I didn't answer. I looked at him and said, "do it yourself. You don't have hands."

He smiles, "angry what? Is Lu Xinran coming with me

I shook my head. "No!"

Speaking, the big hand has pulled me from the bed into my arms and kisses me.

Seeing my low smile, he seemed to be aware of the unfriendliness. He looked at me and asked, "what's in his mind?"

Then he hung up the phone and walked towards me. He was wrapped in a bath towel and showed his strong chest. Some of them were indistinct, looking particularly attractive.

Probably aware that I was looking at him, he looked back, a pair of black eyes fell on me, the corner of his mouth rose, and said to the phone, "OK, what can I do to contact Chen Yi directly?"

Fu Shenyan had woken up and called on the balcony. What he said seemed to be something about the head office. I turned over to lie on the bed and looked at his tall and straight back on the balcony. It was so simple that I felt very eye-catching.

It's easy to be confused when I sleep during the day. I don't know how long I sleep. In short, it's a little dark when I wake up.

A toss, I was not sleepy, he tossed too much energy, lying in his arms to sleep in the past.

Said, the overwhelming kiss swept towards me, with a light smell of tobacco and shower gel.

He pulled me into his arms and raised his eyebrows. "If you want to face, you won't have enough to eat."

For a moment, my face turned red. I glared at him and said, "Fu Shenyan, you don't want to be shameful."

He shallow voice a smile, have already stretched hand uneasily down, pick eyebrow, "three days didn't touch."

I have many, naturally can understand the meaning of his words, pursed his lips and said, "you good sleep!"

Depressed took a breath, he thin lip light open, "don't want to sleep?"

See this, I slightly narrowed my eyes, slightly raised his legs, he coldly opened his eyes, eyes dark.

He didn't answer me, but his slightly trembling eyelashes told me that he wasn't asleep, maybe not.

But I still felt something wrong. I couldn't help but speak and lowered my voice. "Fu Shenyan, are you asleep?"

I couldn't help looking at the ceiling with open eyes in a daze. Later, I realized that something was wrong. I couldn't help looking at Fu Shenyan. I saw that he was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

Fortunately, as soon as I got off the plane, he pulled me to sleep in bed. I was not very sleepy. I lay in his arms for a while, but I didn't feel sleepy.

Ear or his shallow smile.

I gave him a white look, no good airway, "I'm not because of her." Even though he said that, he still took the towel he had left in his hand, pressed him on the chair and wiped his hair.

The body is hugged by him in the bosom, his smile does not reduce, opening a way, "Jin Yan lets me take her to come first, have no other meaning, don't put on the heart, eh?"

There was a slight exaggeration of his laughter in his ear. He was very happy.

I said, "the rotten peach blossom you provoked."

He laughed, "what's that?"

I pushed him away and said with a smile, "I'm thinking that if you can't make money in the future, in fact, being a male model can support me and Siji. After all, you are charming now!"

He hooked his lips and looked at me with a smile, "are you praising me?"

I shrugged. "That's understandable?"

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