The project of Lanxi village has been carried out smoothly in the later stage. There are almost all the places where Fu and Mu need to cooperate with each other.

The next step is for the people of their respective companies to take charge of their own projects. The next work is mostly supervision, not tiring.

On hearing this, Liu Heng said hello to us and left.

Seeing me, Lu Xinran said to me without any discomfort, "Miss Shen, where are you going? Brother Shenyan and I came to meet you for lunch."

Before I got to the restaurant of the base, I met Fu Shenyan and Lu Xinran on the way. It seemed that they came here specially.

At present, the progress of the project is good. It's natural for the third party to appear. I nodded. It's natural for me to see.

This is a hidden rule in engineering projects. To put it mildly, the third party is to supervise both parties.

Well, I didn't pay much attention to it. Generally, this kind of project development has a third party. Because of the huge amount of engineering and capital, no matter how the workload is, it will need a third party to intervene.

I nodded, got up and went out of the office with him. Listening to him, I heard that the third party of this project came today. In the next few days, we need to contact with the third party

Liu Heng looked at me and said, "Miss Shen, have you eaten yet? If not, shall we work together? "

Gossip a few words, hung up the phone.

I smile, "it's OK, Fu Shenyan just treats her as a sister. It's nothing serious. Don't worry about it."

She said, "yes, what happened to Lu Xinran who was with Fu Shenyan yesterday? Isn't it the peach blossom of President Fu again? I think that woman is soft, but it's more difficult than Zhou ranxi. Can you do it? "

"Be careful on the way, let's go back to contact you!" I still have a job and it's hard to send her.

I nodded and knew that she was bored in Lanxi village. After all, we all had to work and we didn't have time to play with her. After a long time, she felt bored.

"I've been down for several days. I've made all the places I should play and eat. There's nothing interesting. I'll go back to the city to find Shi Rui and Yang ting to play for a few days. When you go back to the city, let's make an appointment together!"

I Leng for a moment, can't help way, "what's the matter? Suddenly going back? " According to her habit, Mu Shen is there. She has to follow her. How can she leave in a hurry?

After connecting the phone, listen to her at the end of the way, "sister, I have to go back to the city. I'll see you in the city."

Seeing Linda off, I processed some documents. At noon, ouyangnuo called. I thought she was calling to ask me to have dinner.

At this time, most of the work has been done, so she naturally has to go to her own work.

I nodded, he is the director of the head office, a lot of things are waiting for him to deal with, this time the project, Mu Shen consider I can't finish alone, so let her come to help me!

Linda was also free. She sorted out the latest work progress in the office and handed it to me. She said, "the next things will be completely left to you. I have to go back to the city. There are many busy jobs waiting for me!"

I looked at them and frowned. "Isn't Joe here yet?"

This woman follows Fu Shenyan 24 hours a day. She is really used to it.

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