He sank his face. "Try it!"

How can I try? It's just not the right time. If necessary, it's not a bad thing that my death can lead to a devil.

The two men just started fighting without warning.

"Grass Shen Yu was not a kind man. At this time, he didn't know why he was angry. He waved his fist at Fu Shenyan.

Maybe my words were useful. Fu Shenyan's face was a little better. The corners of his mouth rose and he looked at me and said, "well, go back and wait for me!"

I twisted my eyebrows and was not happy. I looked at Fu Shenyan and said, "I won't look. It's bad for children. Be careful. Don't hurt yourself. I'll wait for you when I go home."

Sister Zhang nodded and went in in a hurry.


Fu Shenyan took off his black custom-made suit. His black eyes were low. "No, go to the room and get a chair for my wife. Let her sit and have a good look!"

See me and Fu Shenyan are in, there is a stranger, a time Leng Leng, some worried, "Sir, to the police?"

There was so much noise that sister-in-law Zhang, who originally lived in the outer courtyard, didn't wake up. She turned on all the lights in the courtyard and then came out in a hurry.

Fu Shenyan black eyes deep a few minutes, thin lips light open, "can!"

When men solve problems, they always use fists and fists together to make each other feel comfortable.

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes. Although he was sitting, his momentum did not decrease

As soon as the door opened, I got out of the car without opening my mouth. I just watched the confrontation between the two men.

Shen Yu's cold eyes narrowed and looked at the glass beside him indifferently. Then he looked at Fu Shenyan and opened the door.

Fu Shenyan was carrying a sledgehammer in his hand, which was left by a master in the yard a few days ago. No matter how good the window glass was, he could not bear to smash it.

There is also a bloodthirsty soul behind his high cold and noble.

Shen Yu is like this, I am like this, and so is Fu Shenyan.

From a distance, they are all well-dressed gentlemen, but from a closer look, everyone's soul is dirty and terrible.

I raised my eyes, the whole person was stunned, Fu Shenyan was standing beside the car, his eyes were gloomy and cold, everyone was not a good person.

"Bang!" A huge noise came, followed by the sound of Shen Yu's broken window.

killed the heart, Shen Yu learned the essence, and I laughed. "So what, what does it have to do with you?" You put me down... "

He pick eyebrows, ignore me, just looked at the car Fu Shenyan, then saw Fu Shenyan directly back to the villa, he looked at me and laughed, "Xiaoshu, he doesn't love you, so he doesn't care about other people touching you."

I twisted my eyebrows and looked at Shen Yu, "open the door!"

"Well!" Shen Yu nods. Fu Shenyan has come down from the car.

"Shen Yu, are you sick?"

He moved his body a little bit, and then he gave me a kiss on my lips. Then he looked at Fu Shenyan with a smile on his lips. He looked very cheap.

"Sick!" I opened my mouth and moved away from him, but there was so much space in the car.

Shen Yu is very cheap. He always acts like a dog, but his ability to pick things up is not bad at all. Seeing that Fu Shenyan doesn't get out of the car, he leans to me with a smile in his voice. "What do you think Fu Shenyan would do if he saw me kiss you?"

Shen Yu's car is very obvious. He saw it as soon as he entered the yard, but he didn't get off the car. He just lit a cigarette in the car and looked at Shen Yu and me with gloomy eyes.

Looking at the time, it's already 12 o'clock. It's rare that he will come back.

The light in the yard is a few degrees. It's a light. I look up and see it. It's Fu Shenyan's jeep.

I don't stay too much and block the sound behind me.

Back in the living room, sister-in-law Zhang saw me and said, "what's the matter?"

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