I shook my head. My hands trembled and I heard the noise outside. As Gu Han said, someone came to save us.

Faintly aware that there seems to be liquid flowing on my waist, my body was suddenly shocked, and I suddenly had a bad premonition. My voice trembled and said, "Gu Han, what's the matter with you? Do you feel uncomfortable? "

His voice was still weak, and he seemed to speak to me with strong consciousness, "it's OK!"

The doctor looked behind me and said, "please take these young ladies to the surgical department to have a look. Is there anything wrong with her?"

I shook my head and said, "no It's all right My throat is so sore that I can't speak clearly.

The doctor looked at me, slightly pause, eyes fell on me, slightly frown, came to me and said, "Miss, are you ok?"

A few minutes later, the door of the emergency room was opened, and the doctor in a white coat came out. I wanted to ask Gu Han how he was, but I couldn't say a word. I opened my mouth and had a sore throat.

Someone seems to be pulling me where to go, I am indifferent, motionless at the door of the operating room, I don't know how long, the emergency room light turned into a red light, my heart just relaxed.

Everything around became quiet. I stood at the door of the emergency room, watching the doctors go in and out, nervous, and wanted to ask Gu Han about it, but I couldn't say a word.

The whole person looked at the pool of blood on the ground, and my brain seemed to crash. I didn't know how I got to the hospital.

The medical staff arrived and picked up Gu Han who was protecting me carefully. Then they put him on a stretcher. I was picked up by Liu Heng, and I was still short of breath. I couldn't say a word.

When I heard these words, my pupils suddenly contracted, my breath stopped, and my body was stiff. I didn't dare to move.

After a short time, people outside finally planed us out of the ruins. Gu Han protected me under his body. Liu Heng, who was going to reach out to help others, suddenly moved when he met Gu Han. After a few seconds of hesitation, he looked at other people and said, "call medical staff, ambulance, hurry up!"

"Don't worry, Miss Shen. We'll rescue you right away, right away!" There's a voice coming from outside, and I can't cry.

When I called Gu Han again, he didn't answer me, but there seemed to be more and more liquid on my waist. I felt that almost my whole body was shaking, "Gu How are you doing, John? You don't sleep, you talk to me, don't sleep, please, don't sleep, help, please hurry up, hurry up

I was in a hurry. I opened my mouth and called out, "help, we're here!"

At this time, I realized later that I was almost covered with blood. The clothes I wore in the morning were light colored and almost dyed red. No wonder the doctor asked me to go to surgery.

The man standing behind him is Chen Yi. I don't know when he came. I was surprised to see him. He looked at the doctor nodding his head. Seeing me looking at him, he said, "madam, President Gu is out of danger. Let me accompany you to have a physical examination."

I nodded, at this time the spirit relaxed, a time suddenly in front of a dark, no consciousness.

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