He looked at me, pupils slightly contracted, "I underestimate you!"

I didn't open my mouth. I just looked at him without expression, waiting for his decision. His dark eyes swept around the Russian turntable, the corners of his mouth rose, and his lips were hooked. "I have to say, your condition is very interesting and interesting!"

Then, he raised his hand, snapped his fingers, looked at me and said, "play, but for the sake of you being a woman, I can give you a round."

He picks eyebrows, does not deny, is acquiesced.

"You don't want to talk to me," he said

I pursed my lips and ignored the disdain and irony in his words.

He squinted at me, tut a way, "don't say, although you are old, but look still quite charming, heard that Fu Shenyan for you, can eat a lot of hardships, travel a lot of places, interview, real love is like you, you escape him to chase?"

He jumped over and sat on the card table, looking at me idly, "what are you talking about? Talking about love? "

I put down the card in my hand and sat back on the seat. I looked at him faintly and raised my eyebrows. "Master Huo, don't you want to talk with me?"

It seems that he doesn't want to talk to me at all!

I pursed my lips and looked at the turntable faintly. I suddenly realized that no matter how the game is decided, we will be tied in the end. After all, he is the owner of this casino. If you want to play, he is more relaxed than me.

He looked at me and said, "it's a pity that you fell on the seventh. It's a pity that you almost won, Mrs. Fu."

For a moment, the people at the table could not help sighing, as if regretting the result, but Huo Tianlin was not worried, just a pair of dark eyes looked at it casually, as if he didn't care about the final result at all. Two seconds later, the pointer fell back to the number 7 in the swing, everything seemed incredible.

With that, he threw the card in his hand to the pointer of the Russian turntable. The card was on the pointer, and then the pointer quickly turned up. Soon, the pointer slowed down and slowly stopped on the number 8.

He shrugged and said in a calm voice, "looks like I'm going to lose? Some of them are the same! "

I smile, looking at him, said, "master Huo, let you laugh."

Without being polite to him, I pressed the button in my hand slightly, and then the Russian turntable began to turn. The pointer walked between ten numbers. I didn't know how many times. Finally, as I expected, it was only the number 7.

I went to the other side of the table and he looked at me and said, "ladies first!" By the way, I did a please action, very gentlemanly.

He picked his eyebrows, went to the other end of the table and said, "let's go!"

I smile, light clouds, "no, fair is good!"

In this case, I would not be bored. I simply stopped talking and sat down quietly to wait for Fu Shenyan.

Just a few seconds later, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. I suddenly stood up and rushed out of the box. Huo Tianlin followed me and told me to stop, but my action was sudden and fast, so he couldn't catch up.

In the hall, everything seems to be as normal as when we came in, even people are as normal, but my sudden appearance makes a few people who used to play mahjong leisurely look over.

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