What he said made me feel overwhelmed by too much information. After a while, I said, "all, do you mean that Fu Shenyan's accident may have something to do with Mu Shen?"

He said, "if this kind of thing can be done by guessing, your husband will have been saved long ago."

Things in shopping malls, as Huo Tianlin said, do not always have enemies or friends in front of interests. They are all businessmen, and the purpose is to make money. The others are secondary.

But Huo Tianlin, he seems to be very leisure, after the video conference in the study, he went directly to the swimming pool behind the villa.

Huo Tianlin's villa is very big. I was arranged in the room next to him. After Lin Shen answered the phone, he went to check. I had to sit and wait in the villa, because there was no better way than waiting.

It seems not.

He ha ha a few, open mouth way, "inconvenient, but do you have other choice?"

Naturally, I chose the latter. Looking at him, I said, "is it convenient for me to live here?"

He looked at me, "if you don't want to die, then you can go to the hotel with your father's people. If you are afraid of death, then you can stay here until you confirm Fu Shenyan's information."

I was startled by his words in a cold sweat. Later, I took out my mobile phone from my clothes to call Lin Shen. After calling, I looked at him and said, "what should I do now?"

He frowned, with a bit of helplessness, "you'd better call everything now, don't easily wander outside, you are Fu Shenyan's wife, you think they will not find you any trouble if they start on Fu Shenyan? You have to be clear that once Fu Shenyan has an accident, all the assets under his name will be allocated by you, and then they will be targeting you. "

I nodded. Lin Shen was just outside Huo Tianlin's villa. I was about to go out to find Lin Shen when Huo Tianlin stopped me. I looked at him with some doubts.

He looked at me and said, "call your father's people and ask him to find a way to check the whereabouts of Mu Shen in the past two days, the people he met recently, and Mu's enterprises in Macao, including factories, everywhere."

"What am I going to do next?" I opened my mouth, gradually calmed down, and my mind became clear.

Mr. Huo gave Fu Shenyan a business with an annual profit of several billion yuan. In other words, everyone wants to share a share. Compared with countless money, a life is too small.

There are only a few people in nuota's villa. It's natural that it's lonely. I can't sit down, so I have to go downstairs to the yard. I was a little surprised to see a vegetable garden in the backyard.

It's not a vegetable garden accident. It's a playboy like Huo Tianlin. How can he be in the mood to grow vegetables in the yard and raise them so well? Even the fence in the backyard is covered with gesanghua. This layout obviously doesn't look like it's made by servants at home.

The cucumbers in the vegetable garden are ripe. A few big and thick cucumbers are hanging on the vine. The leaves have withered and the branches are dying. Only a few cucumbers look very fat. I think it's because there's no one to eat, so these cucumbers are growing all the time.

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