I was so angry that I glared at him. I had already scolded him a hundred times in my heart. I didn't care about him. I went up to the second floor room and sat sulking.

The sound of things being smashed came from downstairs. I think Huo Tianlin is really inexplicable. He was just covered in the quilt and didn't care about him.

All of a sudden, I watched everything around me turning, and even began to copy countless of the same objects. Wet tears flowed into my mouth, and the taste was salty, but how could it be!

The other end of the phone hesitated for a moment and said, "Miss, the information we found was that those people didn't take Mr. Fu away that night. Instead, they took Mr. Fu to the nearby area. After asking some questions, they killed him directly. You'd better go back to the police station and have a look at the corpse. It may really be Mr. Fu."

Pick up the phone, don't wait for there to open mouth, I then open mouth way, "Uncle Lin, check it?"? How is Fu Shenyan? "

It's Lin Shen's.

Holding the mobile phone and waiting for a while, I still didn't wait for the call. I couldn't resist calling directly, but before the phone was dialed, there was a call coming in.

After eating noodles, I cleaned up. It's dark. It's three or four hours. I don't know what happened to Fu Shenyan. Lin Shen hasn't called yet.

But I didn't say much.

With that, he went upstairs directly. Looking at this man, I always thought he was a little strange.

He looked at me, eyes a little cold, "eat your, stingy."

After cooking a new one, Huo Tianlin looked at me seriously, especially attentively. I was a little confused for a moment. Looking at his appearance, I twitched my eyes. Next time, I protected the face in front of him and looked at him and said, "Huo Tianlin, you have eaten it. This is mine."

But after all, it is people under the eaves, have to low, I recognized.

I'm speechless, watching him eat with peace of mind, if it's not that I can't beat people, I can't help beating him at this time.

As if nothing had happened, he took a few mouthfuls of noodles, looked at me and said, "these ingredients are from my family. Can't I eat them?"

Glared at him, almost roared out, "Huo Tianlin, can you point face, this noodles is I cook, I haven't eaten, you enough!"

However, before I sat down to eat, Huo Tianlin came, and he didn't feel that he had enough to eat my cooked noodles. I was almost angry with him.

In the kitchen, Huo Tianlin's nanny didn't seem to come. Fortunately, a lot of fruits and vegetables were put in the refrigerator. I looked around and finally had no choice but to cook a portion of noodles.

After struggling for a while, I went downstairs to get something to eat. If I continued to be hungry, I thought I might lose sleep at night.

After lying for a long time, my stomach growled out. I didn't eat much today. I finally thought I could have a meal in Xiao Yu's place. I didn't want to be disturbed by Huo Tianlin.

"Uncle Lin, that corpse is not Fu Shenyan. Really, there must be something wrong with it. No, Fu Shenyan won't have an accident. Those people may cheat you. Please check again. OK, Fu Shenyan won't have an accident." I recall that corpse repeatedly in my mind, but really, that corpse is not Fu Shenyan, I can't admit it wrong.

Uncle Lin seemed helpless and said, "Miss, I know you may not want to accept it, but I caught all the people who took president Fu that night. If you really don't want to accept it, you'd better ask them yourself."

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