I was deliberately angry and yelled at him, "are you deaf? I have said that my man works here. He hasn't come home this evening. I came to see him. Do you understand me? If not, I'll say it again. Give me my mobile phone, or I'll go to the police station and sue you for robbery! "

The two men looked at each other and said, "are you really here to see your man?"

The freezer was right next to me. I walked over quietly. Fortunately, the freezer wasn't locked. I moved the door. As Lin Shen said, the freezer wasn't very big.

I nodded and fumbled for a long time before I found the stairway. As Lin Shen said, there was a new entrance at the stairway, but it seemed that someone was guarding it. I hid for a while and saw that there was only one person guarding it, and that person seemed to be dozing off.

Lin Shen said, "this is a chemical plant. The freezer is not very big. It's usually on the back wall. You can find the stairs and see if there is a new entrance to the stairway."

The first floor should be a warehouse. It seems that there are a lot of things in it. It seems that they are all goods. After secretly turning around, I didn't find the freezer. I was a little worried. I couldn't help but say to the headset, "Uncle Lin, Fu Shenyan seems to be locked in the freezer by his door, but I can't find the freezer there!"

I listen to two people's words, heart sink, Fu Shenyan was they locked in the freezer? Looking at the people who went out, I moved my body and touched the first floor. Fortunately, they chatted with each other and didn't see me.

"Ask the person above first. If this person dies, I'm afraid the task will fail."

"This man is freezing to death. What if he doesn't sign yet?" I hid behind the wall, and both men came out to talk to each other.

But obviously it's useless. I can't get in. I have to find another way. There is a light on the first floor. I turn around and find that the light should be in the factory office.

In the other two buildings, one is black, and it is estimated that there is no one outside, because there is no one guarding the building. In the other building, there is only one floor light. The floors of the factory are not high, and there are people guarding the downstairs. Lin Shen said that they change people every half an hour.

After entering the factory, I found a circle. It's true that as the two men guarding the door said, the lights in one building are always on. I think it's the workers in the factory who work overtime.

As a result, my mobile phone has broken a few dialects in my mouth. Most of the workers in the factory are from other places, so dialect is for the sake of truth.

The man looked at me and was silent for a while. Then he looked at me and said, "go in!" Then he handed me his cell phone.

One of the gatekeepers said.

"Forget it, let her in. There's a building in Ximen that hasn't been shut down yet. It's said that it's going to stay up all night. It's estimated that it's the family members of the workers. She's a woman and can't make any noise. It's too noisy for her to make noise here."

I raised the lunch box in my hand and looked at him saying, "are you blind? My man is not here, I carry these things to the ghosts here? "

When I saw Fu Shenyan squatting in the corner with his arms around him, I was stunned. I didn't care about the extra thinking. I ran in directly. The temperature of the freezer was zero, which was not lower than that in the freezer. But after staying in it for a long time, people couldn't stand it.

I don't know how long Fu Shenyan has been in it. He is a little stiff. The temperature on his forehead is as cold as ice. He is almost unconscious.

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