Huo Tianlin shook his head and said, "the day you had an accident, he disappeared."

How is that possible? Will Mu Shen kill Bao Kun? This possibility doesn't make sense. Aren't they cooperating? How could they kill each other.

I don't know how many slaps, the woman's face has been red and swollen, looking at some embarrassed, originally enchanting woman, now become embarrassed.

"I'm blind. I'll take a fancy to you. Why are you so disgusting? Huo Tianlin, is that son of a bitch better than Laozi? " Sun Yiqing was full of swearing. He raised his hand and slapped the woman.

After coming out of the room and passing the cruise cabin, I saw a group of lovers wrestling with each other. At first, I thought it was just a quarrel between two lovers. When I came closer, I could see that it was Sun Yiqing and the woman.

I was a little confused, but I followed him.

Fu Shenyan gave him a look of his own thinking, then got up, pulled me and said, "let's go, we have to go back as soon as possible."

"What do you mean?" Huo Tianlin frowned and looked at him seriously.

"If you want to destroy the Huo family in your hands, I can not go back!" Fu Shenyan took a cold look at him and said, "Mu Shen is playing a big game. What he wants is not only Macao's export right."

Huo Tianlin frowned, looked at him and said, "no, Mr. Fu, how can I listen to you? Are you going to leave all the things here to me, and you have to go back to China naturally?"

Fu Shenyan slightly frowned, looked at Huo Tianlin and said, "go to the police station, I will send someone here to take charge of the company's affairs."

Seeing that they didn't speak, I couldn't help wondering, "why did Mu Shen kill Bao Kun?" The relationship between Bao Kun and Mu Shen has been known to me since Myanmar. Even if Bao Kun is in a mess, he will not be able to weaken the way and let Mu Shen die without paying any attention to it. What's more, it's a society ruled by law. Even if Mu Shen has a good eye, he can't kill people openly.

Then, he raised his eyes and gave his men a look. Sun Yiqing was taken out, and there were only Fu Shenyan, me and Huo Tianlin in the room.

After a moment's silence in the room, Huo Tianlin looked at Sun Yiqing and said coldly, "for the sake of your good performance today, I'd better let you go first. You'd better be honest with me in the future, and then dare to play any tricks for me. I'll kill you."

Sun Yiqing nodded, and his face didn't look like a lie. "That night, Bao Kun took those people to block you. After Bao Kun pulled president Fu out of the car, the killer in another car killed Bao Kun without any suspense. If you don't believe it, you can go to see the body. He was shot in the chest. Later, he worried that he couldn't die and stabbed him to make sure he was dead After that, those people poured sulfuric acid on Bao Kun. I saw it with my own eyes. I won't lie to you! "

I look at Sun Yiqing and confirm again, "are you sure that the body is Bao Kun?"

It seems that the woman is used to his violence. After being beaten by him for many times, she accepted her fate and let Sun Yiqing insult and abuse her like a puppet.

As I watched, I frowned and went up to stop sun Yiqing. Looking at him, I said, "if I were you, I would have no face to stay here now. Do you really think that you almost killed Fu Shenyan, and you would have changed your life with your information? If it wasn't for her, you would have been feeding fish in the sea now. If you had the ability, you would have found a way to live. Don't rely on a woman to survive. You don't know what to do! "

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