"Why not?" Just now, the little gangster who was smashed opened his mouth, looked at me and said with a bad smile, "was that you just smashed me?"

I nodded, "accidentally smashed, sorry ah!"

Muzi and I looked at each other, looked at the policeman, laughed and said thank you.

The policeman who detained us looked at me and said, "if you encounter the same situation in the future, just call the police directly. Don't do it!"

Outside the police station.

After negotiating with the people in the police station, Fu Shenyan signed and Muzi and I could go.

Sure enough, women are fickle.

White her one eye, the front also advised me to divorce, this will again

Seeing this, Muzi rubbed my shoulder and said, "in fact, I can understand why you are so infatuated with him. After all, it's the son of heaven! That woman doesn't want to own it. The title of Mrs. Fu is expected by countless girls, not to mention that you sleep with him every day. "

Moreover, there are several reports about him in the city's financial headlines every day, so his arrival has attracted people from the police station to greet him.

Half an hour later, Fu Shenyan entered the police station surrounded by a group of people. The man was cold and fierce, slender and handsome. As long as he stood and didn't say a word, he could make a picture of himself.

I didn't expect that Fu Shenyan would receive this call.

When I came out of the villa, Fu Shenyan drank. I thought he was resting, so I called Cheng Junyu. I didn't expect that

Muzi looked at me and said, "why don't you call Fu Shenyan directly? You have to do something! "

"Huancheng district police station!" The address was given and the phone was hung up.

I can hear that Fu Shenyan is in a bad mood at this time.

"Address!" I haven't finished, the other end of the phone cold mouth.

For a moment, I was scared and stammered. Then I said, "Fu Shenyan, you..."

How could he answer Cheng Junyu's call?

The sound is Fu Shenyan!

For a long time, two words came from the phone, "Shen Shu! "

seeing that there was no response on the other end of the phone, I had no way to say," Dr. Cheng, please. "

The phone rang twice and got through. The other end of the phone didn't speak. I was a little embarrassed and said, "Dr. Cheng, I'm really sorry to disturb you at this point. Can you do me a favor? Something happened to me. I'm in the police station. Can you come here for a moment? "

I'm not good at communication except for the Fu family. I have few friends around me. After thinking about it for a long time, I bravely called Cheng Junyu.

Muzi is an orphan. In Jiangcheng, I have no other friends except me, so I can only wait for me to find someone to bail.

I took a confession in the police station. Although Muzi and I were victims, we also participated in the fight, so we need to find someone to bail.

Muzi and I know how to fight each other, so we didn't lose anything in dealing with a few gangsters. When the police came, several people were injured. Fortunately, it wasn't serious. Qiqi was taken to the police station.

A few people who didn't start were going to watch the fun. Seeing that Muzi and I fought back, they all picked up the sticks in their hands and attacked us.

"Fuck! You want to die! " Then the little gangster raised the stick in his hand and waved it at me. Muzi and I dodged at the same time, then picked up the beer bottle and smashed it.

Looking back, Muzi whispered, "Damn, if I don't do it, I'll wait for the police to collect the body!"

I wanted to say something. I noticed a chill. I saw Fu Shenyan in a black suit, standing beside his black jeep.

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