Out of the restaurant, President Lu and Mrs. Lu were very polite and reserved. I was a little tired, and the temperature was a little low in the evening, so I had less words.

Shoulder suddenly warm up, look up is Fu Shenyan to put on the clothes for me, I Leng Leng, or mouth way, "thank you!"

He laughed, "where does it smell?"

I pursed my lips, raised my hand and pushed him, "it stinks, go wash."

This guy really drives anywhere, anytime.

He opened his eyes, looked at me, mouth up, "said to you, it sees the host, belongs to the natural reaction, you should be more tolerant."

I pick eyebrow, "you say to listen to?"

Tossing wash well, I don't seem so sleepy, lying in bed, see Fu Shenyan along lying down, take the opportunity to hold me in my arms, chin against my neck, "tonight to sleep well."

He laughs, "no difference."

I held my toothbrush and muttered, "I'm not a child."

Help me squeeze the toothpaste, he took the water and handed it to me, "brush your teeth well." It's like training a child.

I hum a, tired body is strong hanging on him, vaguely stretched out his hand to squeeze toothpaste, but did not want to be taken away by Fu Shenyan.

Fu Shenyan seemed to see through my intention, picked me up from the quilt, went into the bathroom, and said in a deep voice, "wash, or I will feel bad tomorrow morning."

I'm a little confused. I can't help being greedy when I'm in bed. After pulling the quilt, I'm going to sleep like this.

Fu Shenyan took me out of the car and went directly back to the bedroom. He put me on the bed. He said, "don't rush to sleep, wash first."

All the way speechless, to the villa, I was a little sleepy.

At that time, far apart, I didn't see the man's face clearly. I could not help wringing my eyebrows slightly. I always felt a little uneasy in my heart.

If I don't talk to him more, I think of Lu Qi in my mind. It seems that the car I picked up from Han Shuang downstairs today is also a black Cadillac.

He drooped his eyes, a little helpless in his eyes, held my hand tightly for a few minutes and said, "don't worry, even if I die, I will protect your mother and son."

"I'm in the car, too." Kuan and I still have one in my stomach, "one corpse, two lives!"

Not really!

He looked at me and said with a low smile, "care about me?"

The palm of my hand was wrapped in warmth. I looked back and saw Fu Shenyan looking at the car with one hand and holding me with the other. I couldn't help saying, "this is not safe!"

When I got on the bus, I twisted my eyebrows and looked out the window in a daze.

After all, after all, we had finished our meal, and there was nothing important, so we said goodbye and went home.

After listening to Mrs. Lu's introduction that he works in AC, I couldn't help noticing.

After a few words, I felt that Lu Qi was a little familiar, but I couldn't remember for a while.

Mrs. Lu pulled him up intimately, looked at Fu Shenyan and said to me, "Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu, this is my son, Lu Qi. He was going to come with me tonight, but he didn't catch up. It's just the right time for you to meet him."

A black Cadillac stopped at the restaurant downstairs, and then a gentle and clean man got out of the car and looked at Dean Lu and Lu Fu, "Mom and Dad! You can tell me half an hour in advance next time. "

"It stinks!" I closed my eyes, ready to sleep, his voice came faintly in my ear, "Shen Shu, shall we have a good life in the future? Well

My heart slightly pulled to ache for a while, pursed lips not language, really can live well?

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