She laughed a little farfetched, "director, I don't mean that. You know, I'm very good at talking about my private life with people in the company. Moreover, there are many girls in the company. In fact, when we started, they all said that they would not get married and have children in five years."

Fu is good, but in the past, considering that after a girl entered the job, he asked for maternity leave and marriage leave, which delayed her work, so he stipulated that a girl could not fall in love and have a baby within five years.

The doctor nodded and said, "Miss, who are you of the patient?"

Lu Xinran was in a hurry and said, "I, I'll sign it!"

"Hit the head, the patient is still in a coma, the specific situation to wait for the patient to wake up to know, in addition, the patient's ribs into the glass, deep, we need to perform a small operation, need family members to sign, the patient's family here?" The doctor looked at several of us and turned out the safety notice.

Cheng Junyu, a doctor, was calm. Looking at the doctor, he said, "what's the situation of the patient now?"

"What's the matter? Brother Shenyan, is he OK? " Hearing the voice, Lu Xinran quickly got up to greet him.

"The patient's family!" The doctor in a white coat came out of the emergency room with a medical record book.

Do not want to know, what happened, Fu Shenyan and Lu Xinran together just hurt.


"I wasn't at the scene either, I don't know what happened." Qiao Jinyan opened his mouth and walked to Lu Xinran.

I followed to see in the past, not from Leng Leng, Lu Xinran hair scattered, the back of the hand by some injuries, looking at some embarrassed.

Qiao Jinyan looked at it without any problem. He was asked by Cheng Junyu that he didn't come back. He looked at me awkwardly, and then looked up at the end of the corridor.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Junyu spoke. He was in a hurry just now, but he didn't slow down.

In a hurry, he followed him to the emergency room door. Joe strictly guarded the door.

Cheng Junyu drove all the way in a hurry and soon got to the hospital.

"Go and see the situation first!" Out of the elevator, Cheng Junyu did not say much, took me on the car.

"How are you? How did he get into an accident? " His driving skills, can be on the national championship competition, how can a car accident?

I'm a little confused. Wasn't it OK last night?

A car accident?

When he got into the elevator, he twisted his eyebrows and opened his mouth in a deep voice

"Dr. Cheng, what's the matter?" I'm a little girl, some of them can't keep up with him, almost all of them trot behind him.

When the offices were knocked, I was stunned. Looking up, I saw that Cheng Junyu was in a hurry. Before I spoke, he came in directly and pulled me away.

It's strange. According to Fu Shenyan's recent state, he should have come down early today to take me to dinner.

See her out of the office, look up at the time, it's already noon.


I handed her the processed documents, and I said, "go ahead! Fu Shenyan, the auditor of AC, since he wants to audit himself, you should pay more attention. In addition, the audit report of credit should be summarized. "

However, this is his private life after all, and I had a hard time questioning him and said with a smile, "well, I just saw it yesterday. I'm a little curious."

This rule was unreasonable. After Fu Shenyan took over, it was not taken seriously. It was just ordered by his grandfather, and it was not easy to delete it directly. Although it was set up, it was basically open, and it would not be difficult for girls on maternity and marriage leave.

Lu Xinran was stunned and could not help biting his lips.

I stand on one side, embracing hands, light mouth, "patient lover signature also has legal effect?"

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