Seeing Shen Yu, the pain on Wang yanrao's face was a little less, and then she showed her pathetic look. Tears were in her eyes, and she begged, "Shen Yu, I beg you, don't let me go, OK? I really have no way, I really love you, I can't live without you, please, no matter what you want me to do, I am willing, as long as you are willing to stay with me, I know, you will marry a rich lady as a wife, I don't care, I don't want anything, as long as you let me accompany you, as long as you can accompany you, I love you, really I really love you, please don't let me leave

"It turns out that your so-called love is when you are with some men and know that he has a fiancee, you have to pester him shamelessly, cry about your grievances and his bastards in such a place, and then destroy his reputation. Wang yanrao, do you regard all of us as idiots?" I don't like Wang yanrao. There's no reason. Maybe I didn't like Wang yanrao since I helped her in the nightclub. She was vain and attached to the powerful.

I nodded, "she is too greedy to enter the Shen family."

In the parking lot of Shen's other courtyard, Hu Ya looked at me and said, "have you ever asked someone to investigate Wang yanrao?"

With that, I took Fu Shenyan and Hu Ya and they left together.

I shrugged, did not continue to talk with her, looking at the security guard said, "please send her out, do not let her affect the rest of people here, if she continues to make trouble, you directly call 110 to let the police take away."

"Shen Shu, what do you mean?" She yelled at me, "you're talking nonsense. I don't know who Fang Hao is. Who knows who you're talking about? It's just nonsense."

Looking at her like this, I couldn't help but say, "he didn't eat less soft food before. There are all kinds of women he contacted, from rich and noble women to the princess in KTV. It's said that he was kicked out of the circle later because he was infected with something bad. You'd better go back and ask him about it. In addition, you should go to the hospital and have a good check. I'll see your recent state It needs to be checked

She widened her eyes and looked at me in disbelief. Her body trembled even more. It looked like she was scared and scared.

I shrugged, "literally! Wang yanrao, the Shen family is not the place you should come to. You'd better stop when it's good. Otherwise, you don't want to hang out in the capital or even all the rich people. By the way, I forgot to tell you that your little college boy friend's name is Fang Hao. Before you were with him, didn't you ask him what kind of person he was? Is he clean? "

"What do you mean?" She looked at me, thin and shivering.

I Ning eyebrow, "you said, you didn't offend me, but I didn't want to separate you and Shen Yu, between you and Shen Yu, you know very well, he doesn't look up to you at all, your heart is more clear than others, you are so reluctant to put down his purpose, people always want to be satisfied, you follow him for so long, he has given you enough things, if you are satisfied enough You should take the money he gave you and disappear in this circle that doesn't belong to you. Of course, you can't go. But, as I said, the way I let you go is really enough that you can't look up in your whole life. "

Hear my voice, she some face ferocious, "Shen Shu, is it you again?"? How on earth did I offend you? Why do you want to break up Shen Yu and me again and again? I asked myself, "I've never been sorry for you. Why do you want to do this and refuse to let me go?"

She's not worth being loved at all, so I don't like her.

She looked at me and said seriously, "Shen Shu, thank you!" Her eyes are very sincere, "I thought Shen Yu would marry her, so I always wanted to raise Yang Yang's custody with my third uncle. To tell the truth, if the woman Shen Yu finally married was her, I don't trust to put Yang Yang Yang in Shen's family. After all, Wang yanrao is not a kind person."

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