If I'm lucky enough, maybe I'll meet a kind-hearted driver. It's windy and rainy at night, and the big umbrella won't work at all. I didn't walk far before my clothes were all wet.

Maybe it's really bad luck. I haven't met a car after walking for a long time. Coupled with the cold, I have a dull pain in my lower abdomen. After a few steps, I can't support myself. My lower abdomen hurts like a needle.

He is low Mou to put to play the mobile phone in the hand, light um.

Put me back on the bed, he put down the glass, I looked at him and said, "thank you!"

After a few drinks, my voice improved.

So, it's not good for me to say more.

He directly ignored my action, put the cup to my mouth to feed me water, I reached for the cup, he avoided, "drink it!"

Seeing this, he picked his eyebrows, turned to pour a glass of water, came to me, half picked me up, I resisted, supported my body with my elbow, trying to stay away from him.

After a pause, he said, "you..." How come I have a sore throat here? I can't say a word.

"Don't worry, the child is OK!" In vain, the sound scared me. Looking sideways, I saw that it was Cheng Junyu. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say for a moment.

Instinctively, I reached out to touch my belly.

Move the body, some pain, especially pain.

When I woke up again, I was a little confused, surrounded by a vast expanse of white, in front of clear more to see clearly, is the hospital.

"Stupid woman!" I heard a man's deep and cold voice. I opened my eyes several times, but I didn't have the strength to open them. My only consciousness let me know that Fu Shenyan carried me into the car, and then I was totally unconscious.

But squatting too long, coupled with the original dizziness, I fell back fiercely.

Several key words flashed by, I knew that it was Fu Shenyan, who stood up with the only strength for a moment.

Black jeep, license plate acl999, Fu Shenyan.

"Yi..." When I heard the sound of the car parking, I was dizzy and couldn't open my eyes.

But not all girls are made of candy, spices and beautiful things. Some girls, born to face disaster, pain, torture, birth, parting, can not ask.

The old nursery rhyme says: girls are made of candy, spices and all beautiful things, not much worse than angels.

Vaguely aware of a heat flow between the legs, I was surprised. I'm afraid the child can't keep it

I've come out a long way. Now my lower abdomen hurts so much that I can't walk back. Holding the stone mound by the side of the road, I barely support myself for a few steps. But I'm sweating so hard that I have to continue to squat.

Worried about the child's accident, I had to stop, covering my stomach and squatting on the ground. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. I felt the mobile phone in my pocket and found that it was not there at all. I was afraid that it had been put in the car when I got out of the car just now.

Hesitated for a while, I still open mouth way, "child's matter Fu Shenyan knew?" If I didn't see dazzling eyes, it should be Fu Shenyan who sent me to the hospital last night. Cheng Junyu knew about the child, so fu Shenyan should know about it.

He stopped the action in hand, a pair of black eyes fell on me, squinted and said, "don't you want him to know?"

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