"Xiaoshu, it's not good for you to be so stubborn." He was a little impatient. "Mo Zhicheng and Lin Wan are not good people. Your last conversation broke up unhappily. You think they just let it go. You can't be afraid of them, but have you ever thought about your baby?"

I was stunned and looked at him incredulously, "are you following me?"

These are not big things. Every time I get black and blue, he will inform grandma to come to me, so no matter how bad he is, grandma will let him.

Shen Yu's appearance broke the beauty of the yard. He was rebellious and violent. Originally, he just destroyed the yard, locked me in the cellar behind my back and pushed me to the pond.

I don't know what his original name was, but when he came to the yard with his grandmother, she said his name was Shen Yu.

The girl is me, the illegitimate son of the investor is Shen Yu.

In this way, investors will give the elderly a sum of money, and also take charge of girls' tuition fees.

The girl was in the high school grade again. In order to make the girl have the money for high school, the old man took the illegitimate son of the factory investor back to the yard.

But at this time, the old man has been 75, 15 years, she worked day and night, originally not very good body, has been worn out.

Therefore, the old woman, who was already 60 years old, has been working in the factory for 15 years. After 15 years, the girl is 15 years old and can help the old man.

Fortunately, an investor in Huai'an county has invested in a large factory. Huai'an is too small and there are not many employees. In order to recruit workers, as long as they can work, both adults and children can go to work.

Later, the old woman took the child back to the yard and raised it by herself. She was a farmer with a small income. It was very hard to raise herself, and it was even more difficult to have a child.

Can run several times, the police said that Huai'an no orphanage, the police can not put a baby, affect the work.

The old woman was a kind and honest person. When she saw the girl Ke Ling, she took her home, fed her sugar water and wrapped her with a new blanket. She was going to take the child to the police station.

25 years ago, in the long street of Huai'an, an old man who had been widowed for half of his life picked up a girl in the alley. The girl was two months old, probably because she had been abandoned for too long. Hungry, she could only express her hunger by crying.

It's naked. It's hard to see.

Some memories, I lost for a long time, have forgotten for a long time, but with the appearance of Shen Yu, some things began to crack, began to show.

I was in a bad mood originally. At this time, I was pulled by him and depressed. Looking back at him, I said, "I destroy myself, better than you destroy me? Why can't you let me go? I finally meet a little light of life, why do you want to destroy it? Shen Yu, what's good for you to pull me to hell? "

The hand is pulled by him, "you are so stubborn, can destroy yourself!"

Since the car can't go, I'll go by myself.

"Oh I laugh, "thank you for your protection!"

He frowned, "no, it's protecting you!"

Until the year of my college entrance examination, the investors of the factory were investigated for serious pollution. For fear of taking responsibility, investors want to blow up the processor in the factory and muddle through.

This decision was heard by director Li of the factory at that time. Director Li disagreed. If the treatment area of the factory was destroyed, it would mean that the sewage system of the factory could not operate normally for a period of time. The residents living near the factory would think that the discharge of the three pollutants would cause serious damage to their health.

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