It's still back to the origin.

Fu Shenyan kept everything secret, always standing for my good point of view, Gu Han's favor is my own debt, they are both right.

"I'm sorry," I can't lift my smile, but I can only smile bitterly. "Before, I only felt that I owed Gu Han. Now, I don't know how to face their family."

"Young lady, it's time to have breakfast. Young master is waiting below."

When I woke up, I heard sister-in-law Zhang knocking on the door outside.

I dare not think about it any more, for fear that I will be completely engulfed by my emotions. I close my eyes and force myself to sleep.

When Xu Hui left, Gu's family was just like this, empty and lonely. Gu Han was guarding Gu's house. His only request was that I stay with him for one night. In this way, the family could at least be a little popular and not be too lonely.

Pregnant people like to be sentimental, so at this time what emotions all rush up.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, I slowly opened my eyes. Only one bedside lamp was on in the big room, and the whole environment seemed lonely.

The bedroom was strangely quiet. My mind was dark. I vaguely heard Fu Shenyan's breath move. He seemed to have something to say, but he finally stopped. He sat by the bed and looked at me for a while, then got up and walked out.

"Just decide." I closed my eyes and leaned on the pillow, intending to sleep through.

I lay in bed, Fu Shenyan sat beside the bed, carefully tucked in the corner for me, "let the private doctor come to have a look tomorrow."

"No I shook my head, turned around and went out. I went straight to the bedroom. Even though I didn't know how to face myself and Fu Shenyan, my body was honest enough to know that the child needed rest.

"Uncomfortable?" Fu Shenyan waited outside for a while, but didn't see the pregnant vomiting reaction just now.

When Fu Shenyan came in, his cold and noble face was reflected in the mirror. I quickly lowered my head and released my hand on my belly.

I asked myself, can you really pretend that you don't know anything, and be at ease with Fu Shenyan when Gu Han's family is broken?

When the first child died, the whole world was in trouble for me, only Gu Han, who let me live until now, and I chose to be safe when Gu Han was the most difficult.

I've been pregnant twice, and I'm no stranger to pregnancy and vomiting. I know that the test tube succeeded, but I can't laugh.

For a long time, I finally stopped vomiting reaction, lying on the washing table, a hand holding the abdomen, looking at myself in the mirror, heavy breathing.

Thinking about it, I felt sick in my stomach. Subconsciously, I covered my mouth and nose, pushed Fu Shenyan away, ran to the nearest bathroom, and retched on the washbasin.

Even if it's a stranger like Wang yanrao, I can give up, but now it's Shijian, but I have many worries. I can't pass my conscience. Even if Shijian and xiaodoumi can come back safely, can I get along with them without changing my face?

If it wasn't for Gu Han's meeting with me, Shijian would not be reduced from a glamorous little princess to a rough housewife. I can advise Shijian to live with dignity, but the regret and guilt in her heart can't be erased.

Fu Shenyan didn't go to the company?

"I see." I answered, and then I got out of bed to wash.

By the time I got to the restaurant, Fu Shenyan was already eating. He still had a tablet computer on hand to observe the trend of the stock market. Without saying a word, I went to sit down opposite him.

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