I don't know much about early childhood education in Beijing, so I asked Mo Feilin for help on wechat, "Feilin, do you know which kindergarten in Beijing is better? Better be safe. "

Mofflin always goes to bed late. I'm going to settle things down with her before I go to bed. As a result, she hasn't replied before ten o'clock, but I fell asleep.

The next morning, mofflin called.

I didn't answer. A moment later, mofflin turned around and sat down beside me as usual. "I almost forgot about the custody of the four seasons. I sent someone to check it. The people under me were going to create public opinion and sent me a draft. If there's no problem, I'll find someone to publish it tomorrow."

However, with her and he Zhizhou's feelings, maybe this will not happen in her life.

This sentence is a bit insidious and cruel. It's her back to me, and her breath is still a bit impressive. It's the people of Mo family, who are superior in their bones, and can't tolerate provocation. Mo Feilin can do these things.

Mention this topic, Mo Feilin steps pause for a moment, but soon completely turned to me, back to me, pretending to choose clothes, "what can be the problem, Fu Shenyan side yingyanyan, you can't take those women, I don't, who moved me Mo Feilin, don't think better."

Subconsciously, I think of last night's news that mofflin didn't reply. Mofflin is a good drinker and has a sense of propriety. She is the only one on the table who takes advantage of others. There is no one who gets drunk and doesn't reply. The reason is actually very clumsy, but I just find out now.

Her emotions were written on her face, and I naturally noticed something was wrong. "Are you OK with Professor He?"

Mofflin let go of the clothes at hand, along the hanger slowly moved forward two steps, some absent-minded, "OK, for him should not be a problem."

"That's not true," I said with a smile, touching Siji's head. "It's just rare that you take things so seriously. This time, the title is very important?"

After listening, mofflin turned his head and looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes, "when I was my boyfriend, I was not good to him?"

Mofflin has always been forthright. In the past, when she was shopping, she always swept her eyes. Today, she stared at her clothes several times and looked very carefully. I couldn't help teasing her, "after professor he became her husband, her status has improved a lot ~"

there are not many people in famous brand shops. When mofflin chose, I took Siji to sit on the sofa and wait.

When I came out of school, mofflin took me and Siji to the shopping mall. He Zhizhou was about to evaluate the title of professor. She wanted to choose a tuxedo for him in person.

The last time I took Siji out for Chinese new year, the children were very excited. The school recommended by mofflin is a famous school in Beijing. The environment and security are guaranteed, and the children's family conditions are similar. After watching a circle, Siji and I were very satisfied, so we settled the matter with the headmaster. Next Monday, Siji can go to school with the children.

Of course, I couldn't wait for it. I agreed.

"Sorry, there was a party last night. I went to bed after drinking too much. I'll ask about Siji going to primary school. If it's convenient for you, I'll pick you up in the afternoon. Let's take Siji and have a look?"

She said, handed over the mobile phone, I only see the title, the heart suddenly sink.

#Is "comrades" suitable for raising friends and orphans?

the picture shows two men in formal clothes, pushing a pram, but the man on the right has a mosaic on his face.

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