Heart thump ring for a while, I frown, showing reluctance.

For the sake of my children, I can say those high sounding words, but it doesn't mean that it's easy to do so. At this time, divorce can really get rid of him. But since then, Fu Shenyan has to face the opponent of collusion between the government and business alone. If he loses the help of the Mo family and the Shen family, he will only be beaten.

"You think about it? If you leave again this time, you will never find me again. "

Although this proves my weight in Fu Shenyan's heart, it's not something to be happy about. His preparation only shows that even he is not sure that he can retreat in the process of revenge.

In other words, as long as I sign my name, legally, I will become the only heir to Fu Shenyan's legacy. Even our two children have no chance to fight for it.

Compared with the formal norms of the divorce agreement, the one hidden below seems to be a little informal. What you can see at a glance is still the three words in the agreement. After reading it silently for a while, you find that it is Fu Shenyan's draft property transfer agreement, which says that if he appears unexpectedly within two years, all the Fu's property will automatically be transferred to my name.

Fu Shenyan looked at the document, the corner of his mouth rose, raised his hand to hold the paper, and after what I thought was over, he turned out another document.

So, looking for professionals to imitate, it's hard to tell the true from the false. I nodded, "like, I can't even tell myself, but what are you doing with the fake divorce agreement?"

"Let Chen Yi find someone to sign for us." Fu Shenyan's voice sounded low in the ear, "like your handwriting?"

Strange. When did I sign this document? Is it the last divorce? No, the content of that agreement is far from that of this one, but this signature is really mine...

I turned over the agreement and saw that my name had been left at the place where the two parties signed the agreement!

"Look back." Deep in the night, Fu Shenyan's voice is full of magnetism and has a man's unique charm, which makes people want to be obedient.

It turned out that he had already thought about it. Between revenge and our family, he did not hesitate to choose the former and the responsibility of being a son. In his eyes, my understanding and love are nothing.

Fu Shenyan dropped his eyes and was silent. Then he picked up the document, opened it, took out the contents, and handed them over. I looked down at it. As he said, the five big characters of the divorce agreement were square and square, without the slightest twist.

I pursed my lips, and the expectation in my eyes was beyond expression, hoping that he would step back.

There was a guess in my heart. Fu Shenyan's next words also confirmed my idea.

"I've thought about Shen Yu's idea for a long time, but I don't want to take this step until I have to," he said, drooping his eyes and looking a little tired. "Today's event reminds me that Mu Shen is a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity. I don't know when he will come out. Moreover, there are still some unclear enemies who hurt my parents. I can't stop, so I can't stop Only when the divorce agreement is publicized, we will not meet again for the time being. This is the best protection for you and your children. "

Fu Shenyan pauses and covers my abdomen with a thick palm. "After the baby is born, let them follow your family name."

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