She cooked the soup again and laughed, "you two children, ah, you have to take good care of yourself. My old lady won't leave in the future. Stay and take care of you. This baby will land in a few months, but nothing can happen."

Chatting and chatting, sister-in-law Zhang was in a good mood. She cooked me some soup, but I didn't have much to do with her. She was a little sleepy, so she went to bed directly.

He slapped on the computer and said, "for more than 20 years, she has never taken the initiative to talk about anything with me, let alone such trivial things. What are you calling in the middle of the night to ask?"

"I mean your mother, Lin Wan, didn't give you a message back. Are they safe?" Among these people, I know a limited number of people, so I can only ask Chen Xing.

"What can I do for peace?" He raised his voice, "I'm nothing. What can I do for you?"

I frown, suppress the heart of the knot of gas, "the capital there to call you to hold peace?"

"In the evening, I sent Lu Xinran to the capital with Mo Zhicheng. By the way, your man seems to have gone too." It's estimated that he hasn't slept all the time. His voice is still a little clear. He can still hear the sound of keyboard from the phone.

"I want to ask, where is Mr. Lin now?" I don't trust Lu Xinran, so

Surprisingly, the man actually answered, "three in the morning, Xiaoshu, don't tell me, you miss me, so call me at this time."

I didn't answer, and then I called Chen Xing directly.

At this time, I didn't feel sleepy. I got out of bed and walked for a few circles. My mood calmed down. I called Muzi.

Hung up the phone, not from the heart blocked uncomfortable.

I didn't listen to the following words. I don't think it's necessary.

"He originally sent me here. When the plane landed in an emergency, he wanted to protect me, so..." She cried a little loudly, "my parents also entered the emergency room, the hospital asked you to sign, I was wrong, I will never fight with you for him, as long as he is alive, I can do anything..."

"What's the matter? Where is he? " I squeezed the palm of my hand to calm down and asked in a low voice.

I called Lu Xinran directly. Fortunately, the phone was connected soon. The other end of the phone was crying, "Shen Shu, where are you? Brother Shenyan has an accident. Come quickly

Care is chaos, no sense of propriety.

I call Cheng Junyu. I don't know if it's too late and no one answers. It's the same with Qiao Jin.

But for a while, I didn't know what to do. Shaking, I turned over my mobile phone and found Fu Shenyan's phone. After dialing for a long time, the phone still turned off.

For a moment, I didn't pay attention in my mind. I didn't know what to say on the other end of the phone. I answered.

I suddenly sat up straight from the bed, brain buzzing, plane accident? How could

"Hello, Miss Shen. Mr. Fu encountered an accident on the flight from Jiangcheng to Jingcheng by Beijing Airlines h898 yesterday. Now he is being rescued in the people's Hospital of Jingcheng. Please come here. We need the signature of his family members!"

"Who are you?"

I should be a, subconsciously looked at the time on the mobile phone, already two o'clock in the morning, how can someone call at this point.

"Are you Shen Shu, Fu Shenyan's wife?" The voice on the other end of the phone is very regular.


I was woken up by the phone in the middle of the night. I was so tired that I didn't see the caller ID clearly when I picked up the phone and connected directly.

"I received a message that their plane had an accident. Could you check it for me?" At this time, only he can check.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, then he said, "well, I'll check it!"

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