Ning Mei thought for a while, I turned to look at Huo Tianlin, narrowed my eyes, some of the meaning of questioning, "after I signed, Huo always broke the bridge and left Gu Han alone in M country?"

Huo Tianlin glanced at me with a frivolous look in his narrowed eyes. "Look what you're saying. Today I'm here at the risk of offending Mr. Fu. I'm sincere. It's really sad that you say that ~"

he pretends to be depressed and lowers his head, pinches his eyebrows and sighs. He looks like he's really been wronged.

Huo Tianlin and I looked at each other impatiently for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around and went out, leaving the blonde behind, and trotting after each other in the soft lawn with high heels. It was funny.

The hand that hides in the bottom of the table pinches tight a few, I try to keep the calm on the face as far as possible, forced to support to smile, calm way, "certainly."

People like them who come over in the process of shouting and fighting can speak out the threat, and naturally they can do it.

After a pause, he stretched out his hand, bent his knuckles and knocked on the table. His face suddenly became grim and serious. "Next time I bring Gu Han's video, Miss Shen still refuses to agree. Don't blame me for using extraordinary means."

After a long time, he burst out laughing, "hahaha, OK, I'll make an exception for Miss Shen again, but..."

Huo Tianlin didn't speak any more. He sat up straight and slowly leaned towards the chair behind him. His eyes looked at me and seemed to be considering my proposal.

I base cheap smile, pretend innocent, "Huo always if willing, that is too grateful."

He was right. That's my purpose.

He sneered, and his eyes seemed to be frozen. "I thought Fu Shenyan was a thief, but I didn't expect that you were more cunning than him. You promised me that you hadn't fulfilled your terms for half a year. Now you still want to hold me and let me further expand my manpower to find it?"

I shrugged. "It's good for both sides to be cautious in business."

Huo Tianlin raised Feng's eyes and looked at me with pity, "do you want to go back?"

After thinking about it, I pushed the mobile phone to him and said, "I believe in Mr. Huo, but after more than half a year's investigation, Mr. Huo didn't even find a shadow of Gu Han. It really makes people doubt his ability and cooperation. Let me think about it again..."

this is not a lie. The bigger my stomach is, the less Fu Shenyan wants me to intervene in the outside world This time he came to see me, he should have avoided Fu Shenyan's eyes and ears. However, he never considered Fu Shenyan's good intentions of worrying about pregnant women's emotions, and he was not afraid that I would have an accident because of being stimulated. Although I am very grateful, I can see clearly that in Huo Tianlin's eyes, family interests always come first. If he doesn't have enough conditions to make him excited, he will give up He can do something about John.

As soon as they left, sang Yun began to gossip, "who is this?"

"Idle people." I didn't want to talk about this much, so I digged off the topic, "Shen Yu hasn't seen many people during the day. What are you doing?"

Referring to Shen Yu, sang Yun was not very happy. She fiddled with the potted plants on the table and said, "don't mention it. Since I took you out last time and caused you to be taken away by Zhao Mingcheng's people, Shen Yu has been indifferent to me and probably hates me."

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