But Gu Han had only a few words. Obviously, they did not have the upper hand. Fu Shenyan was bound to respond, but the final winner has not yet been decided.

I was thinking of the trance, the old window suddenly "Deng" sound, scared me to wake up immediately, calm to the direction of the window to see.

Although the house is well maintained, it's still a long time ago. When it's windy at night, the window panels often fall off the chain and need to be closed manually. It's only three or four days since I came here. This is the third time.

With a sigh, I got up and went over to close it.

I just walked two steps, and the sound of friction came to my ears. It seemed that there was something moving outside the window.

Is it the wind or the people?

I feel strange, carefully put light feet, continue to close, from the window only half a step away, I stopped in place, a little bit on tiptoe, stretched his neck to look out.

At this time, one hand suddenly sprang out, grabbed the eaves platform, and then the other hand helped to climb up, and then half of the body, legs...

when the other party climbed the wall, his back was facing me, and the candle was dim. He could only judge from his figure that he was a man, but his intuition told me that he could take the risk to see me at this moment There was no malice, so I just looked at all this coldly, and even prepared to be found to cover for him.

Soon, the man completely jumped in. When he turned around and saw his face clearly, my eyes lit up. Without hesitation, I rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

"Be careful. You'll be fine."

I'm so afraid that when I hear from him again, it will come out of Gu Han's mouth.

The man's tight muscles instantly relaxed, sighed, and then he hugged me firmly, "I really can't do anything with you."

Inexplicably, my nose became sour. When I looked up at him, my eyes were wet. I opened my mouth and was about to speak. Then I suddenly thought of something. I broke away from his arms and ran back to the living room. "You wait."

Fu Shenyan was very careful. He walked to the door, leaned on the door, listened to the news for a while, confirmed that he was not found, and then turned back.

"Be careful, come here." I sat beside the bed with my computer in my arms, and Fu Shenyan naturally sat next to me.

Click on the video, I put the computer on Fu Shenyan's leg, "this is our son, nose like you."

This scene, I think for a long time, although the imagination is to let Fu Shenyan and the child face to face, but now it can only be so.

Fu Shenyan stared at the screen, deep eyes sank, a few seconds later, long arm around, steady embrace me, "don't worry, baby is a gift from God, I won't let him follow others for too long."

With his assurance, I can rest assured, but thinking of Gu Han's attitude, my heart was pulled up again, and solemnly asked him, "you haven't had an accident these days, have you? Is everything all right at home? "

Fu Shenyan's face suddenly sank and pushed me away. His eyes looked like ice, and his voice was cold. "Now I know I'm worried. When I'm being held hostage, why don't I think they will use you and destroy everything?"

He didn't say heavy words to me for a long time. Even when he was jealous of Gu Han, he didn't use this kind of tone, which made me feel flustered for a moment. I didn't know how to speak. Finally, he could only show weakness by lowering his posture. "At that time, I was too excited to calm down. I wanted to help, but I was just a woman. All I could think of was..."

"strange Fu Shenyan didn't give me the chance to finish. He looked at me in a strange way. "I thought you had treated yourself as a man."

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