Jiangcheng said big or small, in the age of Internet development, anything will be known to everyone.

I didn't go back to the villa. My sister-in-law Zhang called and many reporters told me not to go back outside the villa.

The more I think about these things, the more headache I have. Fu is too big and Fu Shenyan is not here. I don't know what to do now.

Qiao Jinyan is a wise man. He can't do such a thing to hurt the enemy. After all, he has no advantage at all.

I didn't think about what she said, but Fu Shenyan was not a fool. I had mentioned it to him before, and he didn't care about it. If Qiao was careful, he couldn't ignore Qiao. Fu and Qiao are one after they are listed.

She nodded, clutching her chin, looking at me and said, "Shen Shu, have you ever thought about this matter? Is it Qiao's strict design? Huayu had an accident under his management before. He knew that there was a problem, but he didn't report it and didn't deal with it. There were also AC and credit problems. Most of the problems were caused by Qiao. Do you think it was he who used you to deal with Fu Shenyan... "

With a slight sigh, "what am I going to do now? Grandfather Fu was so kind to me at that time. I left at this time. I'm afraid I'll blame myself all my life. "

"Don't think about it. The worst result is nothing more than the bankruptcy of Mr. Fu. At most, you have to bear the black pot. Mr. Fu is the CEO and the chairman of the board of directors. However, the billions of assets after the bankruptcy of Mr. Fu are much worse than you. You'd better find a way to get him to sign a divorce. The billions of debts will not be paid off in a lifetime." Muzi said this is the truth, people are selfish, I can understand, but also do not agree.

I nodded, saying that, but at this point, how can things be stable? "Tomorrow, the Bureau of industry and Commerce will issue the investigation results, and I don't know what the situation is!"

"Don't think about it. The most important thing now is to stay here and take good care of yourself. You'll have a baby in a few months Muzi's cooking skills have improved a lot recently. He comforted me while he served me vegetables.

There are many things I still don't know, but the company can't get in, so I have to wait for a while.

Muzi went out to buy vegetables every day, and then went for a walk under the Fu's building. When he came back, he told me the details.

Most of the shops, shopping malls, construction sites and hospitals in Jiangcheng are owned by Fu. Once they stop, the whole city is basically in a semi paralyzed state.

Chen Yi held a press conference to appease him. As the Bureau of industry and Commerce intervened in the investigation, all of Fu's industries stopped.

Fu's stock market, as I thought, fell to the bottom in just two days. Many investors have already broken down, and others are suicidal.

Fu Shenyan still can't get in touch. Chen Xing calls and says that he is still in ICU. He doesn't know the details.

Fortunately, no one knows about Yuntong apartment. It's safe to stay here.

Seeing that I was a little depressed, she patted me on the shoulder and said, "well, don't think about it any more. After all, you are only 26 years old. How much can you know about the intrigue in the shopping mall? A good Fu will have an accident just at this time, which is definitely not as simple as you think."

Yes! Why do you suddenly have such a big accident when Fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu and Qiao Jinyan are not around?

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