Gu Han didn't answer directly. Instead, he digged off the topic. "You think about it. In this room, all the children born on the same day as your son can be taken away as long as you like them."

"What do you mean?" It seems that he has another point.

"You just want to have children. They are still so young that they don't have memories of the past. Or do you have no confidence in yourself and are afraid that you can't treat other people's children like yourself?" Gu handao.

I understand. Does Gu Han seem to want me to find a substitute for Fu Shenyan and me?

Gu Han doesn't know about Fu Shenyan's private search for me. He shouldn't please me. The most important thing is that this idea is really funny.

Shaking my head, I looked at Gu Han mockingly and said with a sneer, "today, in your eyes, there is nothing that can't be replaced."

Although the kinship is invisible, it is also because of this. Gu Han will never understand this truth.

"I'm curious, what can you get by doing this?"

Try every means to deceive me, but now I want to run away with other people's children, isn't it self contradictory?

Although Gu Han is stubborn, he is not stupid. He must have his purpose.

Gu Han narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and then said, "what's good with Fu Shenyan? You and the child, he can't protect one. Xiaoshu, I'm the only one who always takes you first. As long as you nod, we will take the child with us now and escape from these enmities. I promise you that I will guarantee the safety of you and the child."


At this moment, Gu Han's guarantee is too cheap.

But one thing is good for me. Although Gu Han insists on getting me, he doesn't want to hurt me. It seems that he is not the mastermind to manipulate all this.

"Is it in their hands to pick up Jane and the children?" I asked.

Perhaps because of this, Gu Han will be used by them.

Mention this, Gu Han's eyes suddenly become fierce, some angry looking at me, "I now ask you, if your son can never find back, now there is a chance, I can take you and a child here to leave, do you want to go!"

The feeling of danger came to my face, and I was flustered by him, and I unconsciously made a swallowing action.

But the bottom line is the bottom line. I can't let Fu Shenyan's children and I live and die on our own.

As I opened my mouth and clenched my fist, I calmed down and was about to open my mouth to respond to him. A figure suddenly flashed in from the door. In the blink of an eye, I had caught Gu Han, and the blade with cold light touched his neck.

That person controls Gu Han, just slowly show half body, unexpectedly is a if.

They're not one of them? This is fratricidal?

Without waiting for my reaction, a gloomy voice came in from outside the door.

"Tut Tut, I warned you not to be smart."

Voice down, Mu Shen's figure like a ghost, from the side of a if out, quiet stand.

He looked at me, thin lips open and close, with a smile in his eyes, like a devil climbing out of hell, gloomy and terrifying, "Shen Shu, I said, I'll see you soon, I mean what I say?"

I took a strong breath, clenched my teeth, speechless.

Although I had guessed that it might be related to Mu Shen, I was surprised to see him here.

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