Siji has always been very slow to be an outsider, especially men. Apart from their elders, they seldom get close to other men. What's the magic of this teacher Chen?

After thinking about it, I called morphelin.

"Hello..." mofflin's voice is hoarse, seems to be just wake up, and like, after a hangover, smoke voice.

"Are you OK, Feilin?" I'm concerned.

"It's OK. What I can do is that the company opened. I couldn't get rid of it last night. I went out to socialize again. I haven't woken up yet. You can tell me what's the matter." Morphelin gasped for breath, not knowing whether the words were true or false.

Think of Fu Shenyan's words, I suddenly can't bear to, "forget it, wait until you wake up."

"Don't do it. Why are you so fussy? I'm not sure when I'll answer the phone again. Please tell me quickly." Mofflin's tone gradually became a little irritable.

"Well, I want you to help me check the teacher Chen in Siji school. I think something is wrong."

"Mr. Chen, right? OK, I know. Go back and wait for the news. Is there anything else? I'll hang up if I don't have one."

I only stopped for less than half a second, and a savage "dudududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududu.


it's two days since I saw morphelin again. She's still in high spirits, and it's amazing to see her everywhere.

We're in a cafe near her company.

As soon as he sat down, mofflin threw me a bomb. "I'm going to divorce."

For a full minute, I just frowned at her and didn't know what to say.

Mo Feilin is very relaxed, holding his orchid fingers to stir the coffee in front of him, as if talking about other people's affairs. "In fact, you can see that in the past year, we've been together less and separated more. We've had problems in our relationship for a long time. If we don't have the same personality, we'll leave. We're still young. There's no need to take our whole life together."

But the more she is like this, the more sad I look at her.

Fu Shenyan is right. Mo Feilin is proud. After seeing through the relationship between Xiao Xiao and he Zhizhou, she quickly cuts the mess and preserves her dignity. She doesn't want to reveal the despicable truth behind the failure of her marriage and attributes it all to personality differences. After all, how can such a strong person allow herself to lose to others.

Up to now, I still remember mofflin's warning words, "if I meet him, he will only wait for home for the rest of his life."

Perhaps by that time, she had already felt that her marriage would not last long.

Seeing that I didn't speak, mofflin directly cut off the topic, "I've checked with someone about Mr. Chen. There's no problem. People in Beijing have been teaching in Siji's school for several years. They are young and have a good face, so they are very popular with children."

"Well, thank you." I nodded and couldn't laugh.

Mofflin suddenly released his hand. The spoon and the cup collided with each other and made a sound of "don't be so OK. You're divorced. Now that your sisters come to accompany you, you should be happy. From now on, our sisters depend on each other and let their men go to hell."

Speaking of this, I'm sorry to put on any more. I just confessed to mofflin.

After listening to the strange silence, mofflin just looked at me strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She made me feel uncomfortable and guilty.

"Nothing." Murphyling took a sip of the coffee on the table. It didn't seem surprising.

"That's it?" I'm not calm. "Don't you have anything to ask me?"

"What's the question?" mofflin moved the coffee away and looked at me. "You're all obsessed with each other every day. Even if you leave, you'll have to get back together sooner or later. It's OK."

"Ha, ha, your eyes are really poisonous."

"It's you. Oh, no, it's your bad acting."

??? Enough of you!

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