"Tut!" He sipped a sip of tea, eyes color down, eyes fell on me, voice a little strange, "you are so confident, but let me some accident, I just came out of the capital yesterday, the capital's rich families are in the pass, Mo Dong and Lin always found a son-in-law, like surname Fu."

At this point, he couldn't help laughing, "I don't know where your family's Fu Shenyan is now?"

She smiles and says calmly, "yes, Miss Shen doesn't care about a person who doesn't matter to you, but Miss Shen should at least care about your husband?"

Hearing this, I was a little impatient. "Miss Hu, isn't she? What you said to me has little to do with me. I want to know what your purpose is? "

She went on, "Miss Shen also knows that Lu Xinran is their lost daughter. The Mo family in the capital also recognizes Lin Wan's identity. At the same time, they also recognize Lu Xinran's ancestry. The original Lu Xinran is also named Mo Lin. it's said that the Mo family dotes on this young lady and is going to prepare a grand banquet for her in the middle of next month. Lu Xinran likes violin, and the Mo family is very happy for her She found the world's top teachers to teach her. "

when she said this, she couldn't help looking at me, and then she looked at Shen Yu. Shen Yu's eyes were deep, and then she didn't say a word.

"The Mo family is a family of three generations of officials in the capital, so it is also a famous person in the capital. Mo Zhicheng is the carefree man of the Mo family. Many years ago, he only fell in love with Lin Wan, who is not a famous woman. Therefore, the Mo family disagreed. Later, Lin Wan left the capital alone with a big stomach. Later, he met someone unworthy, and his daughter was lost They are also people who are trapped in love. Relying on the favor of Chen's chairman, Lin Wan has come to the present step by step. He has changed his birth. With Mo Zhicheng's devotion, he has recovered his lost daughter. "

It's ridiculous to say that I'm struggling to make a decision. I don't know what I can't put down.

Calculating the time, Fu Shenyan has been in Beijing for more than half a month. During this time, I haven't received any telephone information. Even in the emergency room, I should be out these days.

"Thank you very much." When I opened my mouth, I had a guess.

After a pause, she said, "maybe it's not all true. Miss Shen should listen to gossip."

Hu Ya added a cup of tea to me with a smile and said, "President Shen and I stayed in the capital for a few days, but we heard some news. It's all Mr. Fu's!"

I do not speak, when it is the default, listen to so many stories, there is no lack of this one.

"Listen?" Shen Yu opened his mouth and looked at me with his chin.

Strange to say, Miss Hu's temperament doesn't look like a woman in fireworks lane.

"Don't worry, Miss Shen. She's all here. It's better to just listen to a story. Why worry so much?" Hu Ya opened a mouth, the eyebrow eyes still take a few minutes idle light.

I twisted my eyebrows, a little impatient, "no, it's late, I should go!"

He sneered, looked at the woman in green beside him and said, "Hu ya, tell my dear sister about the capital!"

Shen Yu wanted to disgust me, his words I just as ear wind, light way, "Shen always if nothing, I'll go first."

I'm a little funny. "So, does my own husband need to know from others?" I can't help sighing, "you may think too much, and thank you for your understanding of my private life, but my husband, no matter how he is, I think I should at least trust him, rather than get some unimportant things from other people."

"Da!" The water cup in Shen Yu's hand was suddenly put down and fell on the table, reverberating with a sound, "if you really don't care, you won't leave Fu's house in black. Shen Shu, if you really don't care, for your pride, you'd better divorce Fu Shenyan in advance."

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