Cheng Junyu's face is quite mellow, his chin is covered with a bluish black beard, and he is full of manliness. Maybe he wants to hide the truth from the world, and his eyebrows are specially decorated with grayish white. If he didn't come to us and sit down without any hesitation after entering the door, I would never be able to connect the man in front of him with cream Xiaosheng.

Shock, followed by occupy my heart, is irony.

After less than three years in prison, Cheng Junyu just lost some energy and energy. However, at the beginning, Siji almost lost his life. Besides, those innocent people who were implicated in the chemical pollution were ruined all their lives.

Oh, God, it's not fair.

"Long time no see." Cheng Junyu was the first to break the silence. His voice was a little dark, and his empty eyes looked at us with a smile.

Once upon a time, I was deceived by his harmless appearance. I don't know how many times I was cheated.

"If I can, I don't think it matters if I don't see it." I said coldly, not going to be polite to him.

Cheng juanyu lowered his head, raised the corner of his mouth, and did not answer.

I can't believe I let Siji get along with him for such a long time.

"I warn you, don't approach the four seasons any more." I clenched my teeth and remembered the pain of the four seasons at that time. My nails were almost embedded in the meat.

Reason tells me that no matter what the purpose of this man is, he must be expelled from our world.

Cheng juanyu leaned back in his chair and calmly looked at me. He said slowly, "don't you think this sentence is ridiculous? I'm the father of Siji. Do you think it's reasonable for me to stay away from me?"

"You're not." Feeling his conspiracy, I hated him so much that I firmly said, "Siji is the child of Fu Shenyan and I, which has nothing to do with you."

Cheng Junyu said with a calm smile, "well, if I can issue a paternity test report, do you think the law will recognize our father daughter relationship?"

Mention this, my in the mind suddenly sink for a while, eyebrow unconsciously squeeze to eyebrow center.

It's true that Cheng Junyu has been lurking in the international school for such a long time. It's very easy for him to get the hair and nails of Siji. He expected that we would find them one day, so he made preparations for them, so that he could get close to Siji.

"Kowtow --" Shen Yu bent his knuckles and knocked heavily on the table. He came up with a black face and threatened, "you'd better know what you're talking about. This is not Jiangcheng, nor a prison. No one will protect you."

Externally, Shen Yu is not a good person. When she pulls her face down, she can make children cry. However, Cheng Junyu is indifferent. She even looks at him with a smile. "Of course, I know that every inch of land and money in the capital can buy a life. There are many ways to make people disappear forever, right?"

After three years, when I saw his gloomy expression again, I was still scared, subconsciously frowning more tightly.

The invisible life in prison did not make him more awed of the world. On the contrary, it seemed that he was more unscrupulous.

Shen Yu didn't expect that his threat didn't work. His face changed and he was a little angry. They confronted each other across the table, and the atmosphere became tense.

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