Shen Yu two eyes a pick, don't cross a face, a pair of dead pig is not afraid of boiled water hot expression, completely not ready to explain the meaning.

Sangyu gas eyes are straight, I quickly play round, "Shen Yu, you can't be good to sangyun!"

Shen Yu's face remained unchanged, as if he had not heard anything. He was helpless.

Seeing that he didn't cooperate, I didn't bother to talk to him. I took sang Yun to the side for two steps. Then I asked in a low voice, "Why are you fighting again?"

Sang Yun is not a sensible person. On this occasion, she used to save face for Shen Yu, but just now she didn't have a smiling face. Anyone can see that the couple are in conflict. The reason is that Shen Yu has gone too far.

Sang Yun took a long breath back and said angrily, "I'm going to start a company with a friend recently. I'm looking for investors. I'm trying to take advantage of today's opportunity to get in touch with those bosses who have spare money and are interested in our project. They all talked about it. They promised to sign a contract tomorrow, but Shen Yu suddenly came out, A pair of big eyes stare at people like hatred, frightening people away

I awkwardly pulled the corner of the mouth, turned a head to look toward Shen Yu, he has so boring?

"It's too much for Shen Yu, but how come you haven't heard about starting a company before? Besides, if you want to find an investor, that person is stupid and has a lot of money. Isn't Shen Yu just right? Husband and wife are of one mind. Isn't that a prosperous business?"

"He?" Sang Yun's disgusted squint glanced behind him and sniffed, "it's true that Shen Yu has a lot of money, but he's not stupid. Besides, he always doesn't like what I like, so it's impossible for him to pay the money... Forget it, just think I'm unlucky, and I'll find another investor."


"Ding Ding Ding"

Just as he was about to solve the relationship between the two, on the platform of the main hall, the emcee took the microphone and knocked on the cup in his hand. When he reached his mouth, he had to swallow it.

Today is Mr. Qin's 70th birthday. Now let's welcome Mr. Qin to give a speech to the old man

With that, Qin Baiwan went on stage at the cheers of the guests.

"Well, thank you for coming to celebrate my father's birthday today. I don't have any skills. The only thing that didn't disappoint my family is that my ability to make money is OK. My father worries a lot for me, so I wish him health and happiness forever, and stay with us longer!"


The emcee had the vision to drive the atmosphere, and the audience immediately applauded like thunder.

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed under the stage, went directly to the master of ceremonies, whispered a few words, handed a square wooden box in his hand, and then got off the stage.

There is a distance between the platform and my position. I can't see the person clearly. I just feel that I'm familiar with the figure. It seems that I've seen him somewhere.

Soon, the master of ceremonies took over the conversation again, "everyone, listen to me, tonight you have a good eye. Our president Zhao and Ms. Zhao Shuang know that the old man likes antiques. They specially collected a precious collection as Mr. Qin's birthday gift. Now it has been handed over to me. Please look!"

As the voice fell, the master of ceremonies held the box in both hands and opened the upper and lower parts to face the public. Then the camera, which was responsible for recording the video, was moved. The next second, the large screen on the platform showed the antique inside - a Tibetan pearl.

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