"Doo Doo"

Waiting for the sound to hang up automatically, there is no answer all the time.

Fu Shenyan's sleep has always been very shallow, and there is no reason why he does not answer his personal phone. As I think, he must be in trouble.

After holding the phone for more than ten seconds, I started wechat and made a video call to Chen Yi.

After a while, Chen Yi got through, and the background was a wall with a bright view.

"What's the matter, madam?" Chen Yi looks at the camera without expression.

"Where is Fu Shenyan?"

"Mr. Fu didn't tell me." He blurted out without thinking.

"Yes." This statement is not credible. As a special assistant, if he can't even grasp the whereabouts of the boss who is still in the company, Fu Shenyan won't allow him to stay, "OK, I won't find Fu Shenyan now. I'll find you. Where are you? I'll find you."

Chen Yi thought about it for two seconds, then calmly said, "I'd better go to my wife."

"OK, go back to Fu. I'll wait in Fu Shenyan's office. I'll give you 20 minutes."

Finish saying, can't he answer words, pressed hang up key directly.

Sitting on Fu Shenyan's office chair, he raised his head and fell into meditation. He began to recall Fu Shenyan's reaction.

He is a person who knows how to control his emotions. If he is not unbearable, he will not show a worrying look. As a patient, I know too well that the sudden powerlessness of illness is enough to break a person's disguise, and the most real thing is revealed from his facial expression.

Of course, this is the worst guess. Maybe Fu Shenyan is just in trouble. In contrast, I expect the latter. After all, no matter what kind of loss he suffers, he is not as precious as his life.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, Chen Yi pushed open the door of the office and came in.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I've dealt with the matter at hand for a long time." Chen Yi bent his upper body and said respectfully.

I don't answer, cold eyes so staring at him, for a long time, just find their own voice, "you just and Fu Shenyan together."

"No," Chen Yi kept his head down and didn't dare to look at me. "Madam, you think too much. It's really because of business delay."

After sipping my lips, I still don't take over.

Fu Shenyan has warned Chen Yi more than once that in front of me and his orders, he should give in to everything, and Chen Yi has never disobeyed. Maybe Chen Yi didn't lie, but it is enough to prove that the thing that made him have to choose to let me wait is absolutely not small.

For a long time, the atmosphere was a little stalemate, so I raised my lips, "well, tell me what you are doing. There's no need to hide it from me, right, Chen tezhu?"

"Of course." Chen Yi's performance was unexpectedly magnanimous. He raised his eyes and looked at me calmly. "In order to succeed in letting Zhao Shuang take over the business of Beite coin, President Fu made a disguised guarantee when he was interviewed. Now the company's business is under the supervision of the stock Committee, and tomorrow the official will send someone to check it. Therefore, everything must be ready tonight and can't be delayed."

Sounds reasonable.

Looking at Chen Yi's face, I doubt whether I am too suspicious.

I decided to come here on a temporary basis. Chen Yi came in a hurry, so it was impossible to think about my reasons in advance. Moreover, such a big matter that was investigated by the stock committee could not be ignored by the media. If he lied, he would be easily exposed tomorrow.

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