Fu Shenyan didn't answer directly. His deep eyes stared at me calmly. After a few seconds, he raised his lips. "There's nothing you can't know. Since you want to see it with your own eyes, I'll arrange it as soon as possible."

I did not expect that he would be so straightforward, Leng for a while, just nodded, serious way, "good."

Fu Shenyan did what he said. That night, he secretly picked me up from the Shen family. He drove in person, spared a few circles in the city, and then drove into a biotechnology company.

When we arrived, Chen Yi had been waiting at the door. When he saw me, he was not surprised. As usual, he bowed his upper body respectfully and said, "general manager, madam."

Fu Shenyan light should be a, "well."

But I can't hide my emotion and droop.

After more than ten hours, the sore feeling on his neck is still clear, which reminds me that he had a heavy hand last night.

Fu Shenyan, familiar with the way, walked in, and I followed in his footsteps.

It's not like there are so many twists and turns in a private hospital. When you get out of the elevator, you see an office full of science and technology.

In the cold color space, there are all kinds of glass equipment. In the middle, there is a one person high glass container hanging in the air, which is filled with transparent liquid. A green reagent is fixed in the center, and it seems that there is air filling in at both ends, constantly bubbling.

I stared at the container for a moment.

"Mr. Fu, here you are."

The familiar voice pulled me back to reality. A white haired old man was shaking hands with Fu Shenyan.

This is probably the person who reminded Fu Shenyan that it was time that night.

Fu Shenyan is very calm, light tone with the authority of the leader, "explain to my wife."

"Yes." The old man replied with a smile, and then came to me, "Mrs. Fu, I'm situ Guangming, the director of the whole project, Professor of microbiology. The inhibitor you took recently was developed by my team."

"Hello, Professor situ." Reluctantly pulled the corner of the mouth, than when entering the door a lot of peace of mind.

"Mrs. Fu, please look," said situ Guangming with pride, pointing to the green reagent. "This is the antidote we just developed last night. For safety's sake, we will transfer every finished product to avoid being discovered by many forces. When you were sick last night, we were checking the equipment and carrying out the transfer work."

"Sick?" I look inexplicable, do not remember such a thing, doubt, "impossible, last night before I went out, had injected inhibitors."

With that, I subconsciously glanced at Fu Shenyan's direction. Did they plan to use this kind of clumsy lie to put it off?

"Inhibitors just inhibit, toxins have changed." Fu Shenyan's deep voice rang out, "so in the future, you can't lose contact for more than three hours."

I pursed my lips, did not answer, thinking about the possibility of truth.

Fu Shenyan seemed to see through my mind and continued to explain in a hoarse voice, "otherwise, do you think Chen Yi knocked you out?"

It's not feeling, it's seeing.

Subconsciously, looking at Chen tezhu in the distance, he stood behind Fu Shenyan with his face unchanged, a calm and strange calm.

It's just that Chen Yi, who has been with Fu Shenyan for a long time, is a good hand at hiding emotions. People can't be sure whether it's a matter of indifference or a deliberate illusion.

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