After a long time, he got up and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out, wiped off his hair, changed his clothes and left without saying a word.

The door of the bedroom was smashed by him, and the echo reverberated in the bedroom for a long time.

She sighed, some helpless way, "you young people are impatient, what can't sit down and talk peacefully, you have to fight to hurt your body!"

I nodded, went to the table and sat down, light way, "Well!"

It was normal for her to hear such a loud noise downstairs.

She put the chicken soup in the bedroom, wiped her hands, looked at me and said, "did you quarrel with your husband?"

Reaching for the soup in her hand, she said, "don't carry it. Let me do it. It's too hot. I'm worried about my hands!"

He said, "well, thank you, sister-in-law Zhang."

When I ate late at noon, Shen Yu pressed me to eat more. At this time, I didn't have much appetite, but looking at sister-in-law Zhang with a smile on her face, I couldn't say anything for a moment.

When I opened the door, it was sister-in-law Zhang. She was holding the newly boiled chicken soup in her hand. She looked at me and said, "are you hungry? My husband asked me to cook chicken soup, saying it was for you to make up for it. "

After hanging up with Muzi, it was dark and the bedroom door knocked.

This child is my only salvation!

This child is the only one who can make me feel at ease. I have no reason not to give birth to him. I don't think Fu Shenyan.

My stomach is growing up. There's no reason why I'm not born. What's more, Shen Yu is right. I'm an island and I don't have a sense of belonging at all.

Holding the phone, I have some helpless way, "I don't know, now this situation, I just hope to be able to give birth to the child."

"What do you want to do?"

Who knows!

"Damn it She burst thick, speechless way, "this fuckin 'what luck!"

I would like to, but I'm afraid it's not so simple at this time. Leaving the towel aside, I sat on the princess's chair and sighed, "I met Shen Yu at the station. He went out of the station with me and met Fu Shenyan at the gate of the station. Fu Shenyan was determined to think that Shen Yu and I had nothing to do with each other and didn't divorce at all!"

"You divorce! It's written in black and white. It's clear. In the future, no one will care about their private life. "

"What do you say? He can't let Lu Xinran go, and he doesn't want to divorce. Muzi, how can I make it clear? "

"Why are you fighting again?" She was a little speechless. "Can't you just talk about it?"

I naturally know, can't help sighing, "unfortunately, we just had a fight, he just slammed the door and left."

She said, "since you have decided to go back to live with him, some things need to be spread out. No matter how he and Lu Xinran are, you will be his right wife after all, and you will live in the future. So, Shen Shu, since you want to be together, you should live well. Don't make home not like home. It's very tired to live like this!"

I am a Leng, "you tell him?" No wonder I met Fu Shenyan at the station. Did she inform me?

"Well!" She should be a way, "Fu Shenyan to the station to meet you?"

When I picked up the phone, I said, "are you in the country? Have you found a place to live? "

I don't have to go to the company. I'm at leisure. When Muzi called, I just came out of the bathroom.

When is the beginning?

I smile, not to say, between husband and wife, this is just like drinking water, warm and cold.

"Xiaoshu!" She sat down next to me and took my hand. She said bitterly, "you've been in the Fu family for almost three years. I grew up looking at Mr. Fu. He's impatient and silent. He doesn't want to say a lot of things, and most of them are in his heart."

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