Everything should come out one day.

After taking a bath and changing our clothes, we went out to find Fu Changheng again.

The living room was a little lonely, and Fu Changheng was not found.

I caught a servant and asked, "where's your master?"

The servant bowed his head respectfully, "the master has gone to sleep."

Fu Shenyan raised his eyes and glanced upstairs. Although Fu Changheng had moved out of his old house for many years, and he didn't come to this house many times, he clearly remembered where Fu Changheng's room was.

We went upstairs and walked to Fu Changheng's room. Fu Shenyan raised his hand and knocked on the door, "second uncle?"

The corridor was quiet and there was no response.

Fu Shenyan, as if he had expected, mocked himself, but his eyes were cold. He led me downstairs to the living room.

For a long time, Fu Changheng and Xu Hui went downstairs together.

"You just called me?" Fu Changheng, who had just woken up, said, "it's just like this when I'm old. If it wasn't for the servant's mouth, I thought it was a dream."

"If you are sleepy, you should have a rest early." Fu Shenyan lightly raised his lips, but his eyes fell on Xu Hui, whose face was not so good.

I've been waiting for more than 20 years, but I'm still afraid of more than ten hours at night.

Fu Changheng also seems to be guilty, reluctantly smile, "no harm, there is plenty of time."

"The second uncle should pay more attention to his health. My parents died early. When I stabilize my career in Beijing, I will come back to honor my two elders."

Fu Changheng's face wrinkled, but before he spoke, Xu Hui took the words, "you were raised by the old man, and we didn't do anything. Just be more attentive to your family, and don't have to worry about us all the time."

I remember very clearly that at the beginning, Xu Hui was very resistant to Fu Shenyan, and even said to the public that Fu Shenyan was an "unfamiliar white eyed wolf". After the relationship between Fu Shenyan and me was heated up, we just got along with each other in a lukewarm way, and we seldom said these kind words.

This couple, they're freaking out.

"The second aunt said yes, but I think it's better to take you to the capital and take care of you in front of my eyes. After all, there are only a few relatives left in the Fu family." Fu Shenyan was leaning on the back of the sofa, beating his long finger rhythmically.

"I've thought about this with your second aunt, but we've lived in Jiangcheng for most of our lives. We really don't want to go out and toss about..."

After all, Fu Changheng and Xu Hui do not want to live with Fu Shenyan. No matter what Fu Shenyan says, they can always find reasons to refuse.

I have been observing Xu Hui, and found that she suddenly became very polite. When she looked at Fu Shenyan, she looked at me intentionally or unintentionally. When she noticed my eyes, she pulled the corners of her mouth to hide her embarrassment.

After Fu Changheng refused to go to the capital for the third time, Fu Shenyan stopped for a long time, and the atmosphere of the whole hall became tense. Then he said, "second uncle, I have something to ask you when I meet Jiangcheng this time."

Fu Changheng held the teacup in his hand. A little panic flashed through his eyes. A moment later, he asked, "what's the matter?"

Fu Shenyan took out the photo of Fu Changheng from his pocket and threw it directly onto the coffee table in the middle of the sofa.

Fu Changheng looked down at the photo, only one eye, his face sank down.

Xu Hui didn't notice the changes of the people around her. She reached for the photo impatiently and looked at it carefully. After a moment, her face turned pale and showed a look of panic. She opened her mouth and hesitated, "it's impossible. How can you..."

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