I can see it clearly. Like his father, Murong Zhian has poor understanding ability!

"Well, it's OK to invite you to eat, but you can't call me mom any more. Can you remember?"

"No problem." The little guy was so happy that he took me to the store and said, "let's go, beautiful aunt!"

Murong Zhian ordered a children's set meal, and the best-selling one in the store ordered every one, so a double table was almost full.

The little guy does what he says. He puts everything down with a little taste. He only likes ice cream.

I smile, tease him, "girls like to eat sweets ~"

Murong Zhian immediately put down the spoon in his hand, picked up the napkin, gracefully wiped his mouth and stopped eating.

"Well, Auntie is joking with you. Eat quickly." He pushed the chocolate sundae on the table to him.

The little guy shook his head at me seriously. "That's enough."

"Really?" I asked tentatively. Children are always greedy.

"Big data analysis shows that excessive intake of fried and sugary foods can seriously damage the body," he said with a firm nod

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether what I was doing was a six-year-old or a genius who knew the world well. I was stunned for a moment, and then I said, "in that case, shouldn't I eat a mouthful?"

"It won't be a problem to eat less. The more dad doesn't let me eat, the more I want to taste it. I'm a child and I can't control myself. It's normal!"

It seems that there is something wrong with this arrogant expression. It's human nature for a child not to be sensible. Isn't it a heinous crime to connive at him?

Just think of here a burst of guilty, feel a burning eyes to follow their own, seems to feel the rise of the glass wall on the cold eyes.

Fu Shenyan stood outside the restaurant, his face expressionless, his whole body sent out a cold, unbridled attack, clearly across a wall, the temperature in the restaurant seems to have suddenly dropped a few degrees.

On that pair of ghost like eyes, I was inexplicably guilty.

By the time of reaction, Fu Shenyan had come in.

"Francis!" As soon as Murong Zhian saw him, he was not afraid of death. He called and stood up from his chair.

Fu Shenyan frowned and said indifferently, "what should I call it?"

Murong Zhian chuckled, went over and hugged his thigh and said, "Daddy!"

Fu Shenyan's eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, but he didn't get angry at last, so I stood up slowly.

Just want to say something, Murong Zhian raised his head again, Gu Lingjing said, "Daddy, do you see Aunt Zhao, she said to come to pick me up later, haven't come for a long time, the uncle and aunt in the mall are not willing to talk to me, only the beautiful aunt is willing to give Zhian mobile phone, Zhian can't remember to call Daddy, isn't it great?"


Zhao Shuang left him here. Why didn't he say that just now?

What's more, Murong Zhi'an's face, if you want to be charming, which normal person will look on coldly?

It seems that I deliberately teach my children to say that in order to win credit.

"Well." Fu Shenyan light should be a, just looked up at me, a pair of eyes dark deep, people can't guess what they are thinking.

The businessman is very profitable and deep-minded. Besides, I don't want to have too much contact with him.

"When you get it, my child, I won't disturb you. I'll go first."

With that, I picked up the bag and said goodbye to the little meatball. "Goodbye, Little Ann. Listen to your father."

At this time, the conceited man suddenly said, "thank you for taking care of Zhian. How can I thank you?"

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