It's not easy to be suspected. The most important thing is that the feeling of sitting in the car is not strange at all.

This led me to have a lot of worries along the way.

At the moment of trance, Fu Shenyan's voice sounded low and deep, "here it is."

I just came back to myself and said, "thank you, Mr. Fu."

Now the rain has been small, from the roadside to the villa, run a few steps can escape.

"Wait a minute." Fu Shenyan suddenly stopped me.

In the blink of an eye, he drove from the driver's seat to the trunk. When he came back, he had a black umbrella in his hand and stood silently.

This sudden considerate let me some not adapt, is distracted, Fu Shenyan cold mouth remind, "don't want to get off?"

"Oh, please."

As soon as the words were finished, a familiar voice rang out not far away.


Fu Shenyan and I turned around at the same time and saw Gu Han.

"Gu Han? It's just a few steps. You don't have to come out to pick it up. "

Gu Han has put on a gray silk pajamas, holding a transparent umbrella, leisurely walked over.

"Your friend?" Maybe it's an illusion. Fu Shenyan's voice seems to be cold again.

"It's my fiance." Gu Han took the lead.

I pursed my lips. It was not easy to explain too much. I could only smile awkwardly.

"Xiao Shu, come here." Gu Han rolled his hand to me.

Smell speech, I deftly lift foot to walk toward him.

But just half a step away, I felt that my wrist had been grasped.

It was a strange moment.

Men's hands are thick and rough, and they don't use much strength, but when they touch me, it's like magma, which makes my skin tingle, as if something is going through here and into my blood.

"Mr. Fu, anything else?" I was in the same place, but I didn't reach out to push Fu Shenyan away.

Although he doesn't use much strength, I can feel that he can't earn easily.

Fu Shenyan's eyes were higher than the top before, but now he suddenly played a rogue?

Fu Shenyan seems to be confused at this time, as if he doesn't know what he is doing.

Gu Han's vision instantly locked Fu Shenyan's hand on my hand. His face was very gloomy. "Sir, please let go immediately."

Fu Shenyan brow twist, after all, did not insist, let me go.

I just got into Gu Han's umbrella.

Gu Han tilted his umbrella towards me in a bad tone. "I don't know what this gentleman thinks of my fiancee? Don't you know the difference between men and women? "

"Guhan." I was worried about his misunderstanding and explained, "when I was shopping with Philip, I happened to meet Mr. Fu's lost son, so..."

I simply told him what happened.

Gu Han's face softened after hearing this. He turned his head and looked at Fu Shenyan apologetically and said, "since it's a misunderstanding, it's OK. I should thank Mr. Fu for sending my fiancee on a special trip."

Fu Shenyan's indifferent face didn't respond. He just stared at me deeply for a while, then turned and left.

"This man is really strange." Too busy to attend to all the cars, I could not help but Tucao, "I can make complaints about changing my face faster than the weather in June."

Gu Han ignored my words directly, stretched out his hand and pinched it on my shoulder. He urged, "it's cold outside. Let's go into the house first."

"Good." With that, we realized that our present posture was ambiguous. Subconsciously, we shrunk our neck and stood aside for half a step.

I still resisted Gu Han's contact.

Probably aware of my estrangement, Gu Han's men took it back in a second.

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