I quickly ran to find the driver's seat, lying on the ground, looking at Gu Han's injury through the window, "Gu Han, are you ok?"

Gu Han's head was bleeding, his eyes were empty, and he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He blinked and seemed to recognize me. Then he fainted.

I just hurriedly took out the phone to call an ambulance, "120, I have someone injured here, the address is..."

Fortunately, it's not far from the city. The ambulance arrived in less than ten minutes.

Gu Han was sent to the operating room, and I waited in the corridor outside, fidgeting.

Two hours later, the red light went out and the doctor pushed the door.

I immediately went up to ask the situation, "doctor, is the patient seriously injured?"

"The air bag protection is in place. It's all trauma. The operation has been sutured, but it still needs to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time."

"Thank you, doctor," he said

Soon, Gu Han was pushed out by the nurse, and the anesthetic was still in a daze.

I leaned over and called him gently at the bedside, "Gu Han?"

Gu Han's eyes turned and he couldn't speak.

When he was transferred to the ward, I thought of contacting his relatives and friends.

However, the information on the Internet shows that Gu Han is the only child and his parents have died. Apart from these, I know nothing about him, let alone relatives, even friends.

Gu Han seems to be another me, a lonely individual.

Inexplicably, at this moment, I had a feeling of sympathy for him.

The next day, Gu Han was basically awake.

I made porridge for him.

Gu Han sat on the bed and looked at me with a smile, feeding him spoonful by spoonful. He joked, "it's a bit like a good wife and a good mother."

I rolled my eyes, "can't compare with you, life and death, just want to let me live."

At that time, if you delay one second more, the speed will increase a lot, and the impact of collision and stop will hurt the driver even more. But Gu Han didn't even think about it. He insisted that I jump, and then he made the emergency brake.

It's false to say that you are not moved.

Gu Han laughed and soon finished his porridge. Then he leaned against the head of the bed and closed his eyes. He looked very weak.

Seeing this, the sense of guilt immediately rushed to the heartache, and the voice became dumb, "thanks to you... Otherwise I will never be able to forgive myself."

Gu Han smile, thinking for a while, said, "in this case, no matter what I say, you will forgive me?"

I pressed the tip of my nose and cried, "what?"

The smile on Gu Han's face suddenly faded away, and he said calmly, "we are not the relationship between the unmarried couple."

At the moment, I have some regret, so seriously look into his eyes.

But I am more helpless thing, clearly cheated by him, I just can't blame him, instead head down, away from his eyes, "well, I know."

"You don't have to bear it if you're angry? Or you don't want to talk to me anymore? " Gu Han's tone is sincere, and his performance is also very frank, without panic.

I thought about it for a while and then said to myself, "if you want to hide it, you won't allow me to associate with film. Besides, you saved my life. You took care of me for six years. I owe you all my life."

For a moment, Gu Han nodded slightly without refuting.

I poured a cup of warm water and handed it to him. "I'm just curious why you fabricated our relationship."

Gu Han laughed, "in that case, if I don't say that, you will believe me and let me continue to take care of you?"

A person who forgets everything means that the whole world is strange and terrible. Besides, all doctors and nurses think that we have that kind of relationship. Gu Han said that, which saves a lot of corroboration, so that I have no reason to doubt at least before I leave hospital.

The uneasiness at that time is still palpitating when I think about it again. I have to say that Gu Han observed it very carefully.

In this way, Gu Han did not make such a bad decision until he thought about it for me.

Therefore, I nodded, did not pursue, continue to meet the doubts in my heart, "so, am I Shen Shu in the Philippines?"

Gu Han looked at me with no hesitation in his eyes. "I've already given you the answer."

I Leng for a while, the fantasy in the heart was extinguished, "I know."

It's like that, but it's not.

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