Seeing off the plain clothes, I asked Gu Han, "do you have any acquaintances in the police station?"

"When I went abroad a few years ago, I cooperated with the police to handle a few cases, and I became friends."

Gu Han simply omitted, did not continue to say the meaning, I do not ask much, just light echo, "foreign cases, it should be very dangerous, now can be good, also can be regarded as a disaster."

Gu Han seems to think of something, indifferent smile, "indeed, but now it seems, worth it."


The next morning, when Gu Han had breakfast, I was ready to go home and cook some home cooked dishes for him.

The food in the hospital was really ordinary. Although Gu Han didn't say it, his mouth was very selective. The food in the canteen couldn't get into his eyes.

As soon as I got to the door, there was a sharp sound of braking. Turning around, a black car suddenly stopped beside me. A blonde woman in a silver sequined skirt came towards me.

I didn't recognize him for a moment because he was wearing sunglasses.

When the woman took off her sunglasses, she found that it was Lu Xinran.

Lu Xinran is probably used to Bo eyeball, dress than last time even exaggerated.

She gritted her teeth, pointed to my nose, grinded her back teeth, and scolded, "Shen Shu, you cheap man, why are you still standing here safe and sound?"

There's no taboo about killing me.

It would be stupid of me not to guess what happened.

Thinking of the situation of life hanging on the line at that time, he clenched his fist subconsciously, "did you do something in Gu Han's car?"

"Yes, I did." Lu Xinran did enough to make the villain complain first, and said in a high voice, "so what, the people who protect you should die!"

Without waiting for my reaction, she rushed at me like crazy, grabbed my jaw and forced me to face her, "why on earth can you turn bad luck into good every time? This is just the beginning. Next, I'll let you know what real fear is! "

Lu Xinran used great strength to pinch my face.

I gritted my teeth, shaking off her hand, "is human life so worthless in your eyes?"

Lu Xinran seemed to hear a joke from Tianda. He sneered, "human life? In your eyes, isn't my life the cheapest? I'll never forget the days when I was waiting to die in the cold cell. Shen Shu, you'd better not die too fast. I'll make you suffer all your life! "

With that, she spat on the ground, turned and walked away.

Looking at her shadow from a distance, I suddenly understood what mofflin said. This is a madman. There is no reason to say.

Taking a deep breath, I took out the phone and calmly called the police.


When I delivered the meal to Gu Han, I blamed myself and subconsciously avoided his eyes.

Just as Gu Han said when he took notes, he was an honest businessman. He was gentle and modest, and could not easily do evil with others.

That day's accident, completely because of me, Gu Han is involved.

When I picked all the meat close to Gu Han's side, Gu Han finally realized something was wrong, and asked with concern, "how absent-minded, can't get used to the hospital bed?"

I have no choice but to confess, "sorry, that accident was because of me."

Gu Han Wen Yan, slightly nodded, thought for a while, jokingly said, "it seems that this person is trying to kill you."

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