After confirming that everything was done in place, I turned around and said calmly, "don't you know that bathing is a very private thing?"

"Well." Fu Shenyan didn't lift his eyelids. "There are two children. What do you mind?"

"You..." that's good. I wrote down everything I said in the morning.

Choked by him, I choked in my throat and couldn't get up or down.

Looking at Fu Shenyan, he was calm and indifferent, with an awe inspiring look of justice, as if he was the embodiment of justice.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I was. As soon as I got around the corner of my mouth, I had an idea.

After confirming that Fu Shenyan was still looking this way, I sorted out my expression and showed a charming look. Half of my body climbed out of the bathtub and stuck it on the edge of the bathtub. My charming eyes kept throwing at him.

"It's boring to wash alone. Are you sure you won't come with me? After all, you are my closest person in the world?"

Raise your hand, take advantage of the space of the water drop, put your hand on the bathtub, touch the edge of the bathtub from far to near, the water flow in your eyes, more alluring.

"Are you sure you won't come?"

Warm water nephrite, a beautiful room. Beautiful, which man can stand such an atmosphere and not be moved?

With that, I leaned my face against the bathtub and chuckled, waiting for Fu Shenyan's reaction.

He stood there motionless, deep eyes very infatuated, like lit a fire like, ready to move.

Then the next second, Fu Shenyan suddenly went to the side, grabbed the bathrobe on the shelf and threw it directly at me.

In response, I have been covered by the bathrobe, what sexy, atmosphere, instantly disappeared.

Then, Fu Shenyan's quiet voice sounded in the bathroom, "if you wash down, the dishes are cold. Don't let Anxin wait too long."

With that, the sound of footsteps rang out. When I took off the bathrobe from my head, I only saw his back walking out of the bathroom without looking back. Angry, I threw the bathrobe out directly.

What's this, having a daughter, not a wife?



When they went downstairs, the dishes were already on the table. Shen Yu and Fu Shenyan had already sat around the table with their children.

When I sat down, people began to move chopsticks.

Fu Shenyan is the same at the dinner table and when he talks business with the company. He looks serious and doesn't smile. He can let his opponent give in voluntarily just in his momentum.

But Anxin seems not afraid of him at all.

"Daddy, I want chicken wings!"

"Daddy, I want the one in front of you!"

"Daddy, Anxin wants more!"


After a meal, the light heard Anxin give orders.

In contrast, Zhi'an is much quieter. He sits in a chair in order and eats slowly and politely. He is a miniature version of Fu Shenyan.

This is probably the reason for the family atmosphere.

Anxin was raised by the Shen family. She was regarded as a little princess and held in the palm of her hand. She was cheerful and lively.

Zhian followed Fu Shenyan when he was a child. He didn't care much about the atmosphere of the dining table. He just took it as a routine.

He is just a child of a few years old. He has followed Fu Shenyan's character. He is almost indifferent to outsiders. If he is so constrained by his family, he will be very lonely in the future.

Thinking of this, I intentionally or unintentionally passed on to him the chopsticks culture engraved in the bones of Chinese people.

"Zhian, mom likes the dish in front of you. Can you add some to it?"

"Zhian, I can't reach my sister's hand. I need to take care of her."

As soon as he comes and goes, Zhian has basically understood the way to express his love for Jiacai. Anxin also learns from his elder brother. When he is free, he sends all the delicious food to Zhian bowl.

The quiet dining table suddenly has a hot atmosphere.

Shen Yu, however, was so sad that he had no love for the life of "I'm an outsider".

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