After half a minute, she sorted out her emotions and looked at Fu Shenyan. She looked at Fu Shenyan with a smile, revealing Shen Yu's contemptuous expression of the same model. "I didn't believe it when the media reported. I didn't expect that you really found a substitute. Fu Shenyan, you have such a promising face, You're crazy? I also heard that you even resigned as the president of Fu group? Do you know what the consequences are? "

Tone is tough, even can't hear ordinary women "catch women dry in bed" jealousy.

Zhao Shuang has a strong character and focuses on her career. In her heart, the love between men and women is not even as good as the family love. Six years later, it is still the same.

This is not so much to defend sovereignty as to spur Fu Shenyan's words and deeds from the perspective of cooperators.

Six years ago, I learned that Fu Shenyan and I had a fake divorce. Zhao Shuang had never been entangled. He could afford to put it down. I believe that there will be no change in six years.

I got up, went over, stood in front of her and said with a smile, "excuse me?"

Zhao Shuang, dressed in a 12 centimeter hateful sky high dress, was full of air in front of me dressed at home. He gave me a condescending look and disdained, "do you think you have this qualification?"

Smell speech, Shen Yu "Dong" a bowl fell on the table, the meaning of warning is beyond expression.

Zhao Shuang is indifferent, is still high above the air, unmoved.

I took the corner of my mouth, not angry but smiling, "six years ago, Miss Zhao dared to love and hate, to make other people's marriage, but today, she has become a foot binding little woman, and she wants to go to the door to get married?"

Zhao Shuang smell speech, suddenly looked down at me, compared with the door, eyes more complex, "are you still alive?"

Only a few of us know the truth of Zhao Shuang's ending their relationship with Fu Shenyan in the newspaper six years ago. I believe she now knows who is standing in front of her.

I smile, did not answer, the first to the first floor of the study, Zhao Shuang stood in place for a while, just stepped on the heels of high heels in.

Close the door, I went straight to the theme, "Miss Zhao, I want to know you promised Murong family, disguised as Fu Shenyan fiancee conditions."

Zhao Shuang sat on his desk, his hands intertwined in front of his chest, his eyes wantonly looked at me, and said with a smile, "of course, I can't refuse, but I don't have to tell you to take it?"

In fact, I can guess if she doesn't say that what Zhao Shuang needs is nothing more than money, power, status and reputation.

She said to herself, "your life is very hard. There are so many twists and turns in the past, but this time you can still live to death. I have to say I admire you."

"Isn't that an honor for me?" Zhao Shuang has never been inferior to others in his temper. People who can let her be convinced can count them all. This is also a very high evaluation.

Zhao Shuang shrugged his shoulders.

People who are expected to be relaxed and don't need feelings are always forthright.

I also don't drag mud and water, directly indicate the purpose, "how much do you know about Murong Tianjiao?"

Zhao Shuang laughed, "are you going to pry her corner? How do you think Zhao Shuang is such an ungrateful person? "

"Of course I know." I raised my eyes and looked her in the eye with a smile. "Isn't interest your strongest principle? You are a smart man. I don't need to teach you how to choose between the Murong family and today's Shen family? "

The smile on Zhao Shuang's face gradually faded, and his eyes were gradually occupied by ambition.

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