I don't believe Murong people have the concept that blood is thicker than water.

Naturally, he will not drop the pie for nothing. The Murong family is so devoted to Zhian, so he must have his calculation.

About ten minutes later, there was a low male voice in the living room.

"Here comes Jindi."

Turning around, Fu Shenyan didn't know when he appeared at the stairway, and now he had already stepped downstairs.

Hearing the voice, Murong Jin and his tacit understanding put down the things in his hand, Qi Qi stood up.

"Big brother." Murong just called out and said, "I heard that you are in a bad condition recently. I'll send my regards on behalf of my father and mother and have a look at Zhian by the way."

Fu Shenyan didn't answer the question. He walked all the way to the sofa and sat down. He twisted his legs and put on the master's momentum. Then he said, "is it a greeting or a question of guilt?"

Murong's eyes flashed a moment's consternation, and then he resumed his smile. He lowered his eyes and said to himself, "big brother, we are worried about your body. My father said that you can take a vacation at any time. The position of president is always yours."

"And you?" Fu Shenyan hardly gave him a chance to breathe. He leaned forward and looked at him with a strong sense of oppression. He asked coldly, "you are also the son of Murong family. Your ability is not under me. Don't you want to take this opportunity to do something?"

This is exactly what I want to ask. There is a little bit of gossip in Fu Shenyan's eyes.

I'm very angry. Take the Murong family to vent their anger?

Think of this possibility, guilty of raising eyebrows, for a hug Anxin posture to cover up uneasiness.

To blame can only blame Murong Jin himself hit the muzzle.

"Ha ha..." Murong modest smile, eyebrows with a smile began to joke, "brother, you make fun of me again, I know how many pounds, my father also said, you are the most suitable successor, I have self-knowledge, how can there be that kind of discretion."

"But how did I hear that before me, you were always managing the Murong family's assets?" Fu Shenyan narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a meaningful smile.

Two people's sight in the air tit for tat, who did not mean to avoid.

Can not show fear in Fu Shenyan's eyes, so far a slap all over, no one is a simple role.

Fu Shenyan has always been better at playing tricks. Two words let the other side show their feet.

After this silent confrontation lasted for half a minute, Murong Jin took the lead in losing the battle. He naturally turned his eyes away from Fu Shenyan and talked about other things. "Big brother should understand that many things are not up to us today."

Before Fu Shenyan could respond, Murong Jin had the idea of leaving. He turned around and put on Zhian's shoulder, and changed into a sincere and sincere face. "Germany leads the world in computer research. The second uncle sent people to find a lot of highly referential materials, which will soon be transported back to China. As soon as the plane arrives, they will send people to your home."

"Thank you, uncle." Zhian seldom smiles in front of people other than Anxin and me.

It seems that in the past six years, Murong Jin and Zhian got along quite well.

"It's getting late. I still have some things to deal with. It won't prevent your family from getting together. I'll go first."

With that, Murong Jin went out slowly, walking steadily and calmly, not half in a panic.

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