Siji hezhian is the first time I've seen her in six years. She's cheerful now. She especially likes this quiet and elegant younger brother and has been teasing him intentionally or unintentionally.

Anxin is also a little farewell to win the new encounter. After entering the box, she sticks to Siji and doesn't even look at Fu Shenyan.

So the whole dinner became a hot and cold day, my side is the lively reunion, Shen Yu and Fu Shenyan are lonely cold palace.

The attention of the four seasons is on him, "good brother, do you remember your sister?"

He shook his head calmly. "I don't remember, I will remember later."

Anxin said, "sister, do you want Anxin?"

"Of course! Sister wakes up every day and thinks about it again ~ "Siji answers without thinking about it. She pinches Anxin's fleshy little face and then turns to gossip," brother, are you so cute? Are there any girls in the school giving you love letters? How many? Talk to my sister? "

"..." Zhian was silent for a moment, then he opened his mouth and said, "I don't like girls."

"Oh?" Siji grew up abroad in the end, and continued to ask with a bad smile, "is that like boys?"

"No Zhian directly denied, "children are too noisy, they don't like it."

Siji's reaction is exactly the same as I did at the beginning. She was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't laugh or cry. She looked down on her six-year-old brother.

Zhi'an didn't dislike the performance of four seasons, but I don't know if it was because of taking care of Zhi'an's mood. After that, Ji'an didn't talk to him. But when eating, I will take care of my younger brother and sister equally.

Although Zhian doesn't show any special intimacy, I understand that it's just because Zhian suddenly becomes the one who needs to be cared for in front of the four seasons, and I don't know what to do.

In his heart, the child is as proud as Fu Shenyan. It takes more time to adapt to the role of "the weak".

I didn't eat much for this meal. It's not that I didn't have an appetite. I just looked at the four seasons, and the feeling of satisfaction filled every cell in my body.

Today, she is cheerful and lively. She is kind to everyone and takes care of other people's emotions without any trace. Muzi's character has inherited more than half of her. She always takes her as Muzi when she is in a trance. It's like Muzi came back to me. I can't wait to see more. Where can I be in the mood to manage a table of delicious food on the table.

We didn't leave until 3 p.m. in Jinding.

It's rare for a family to get together. I'm ready to go back home and leave the rest of the day for a real family life.

After getting on the bus, Fu Shenyan changed his itinerary and said, "go to the biggest shopping mall in the city."

"Not going home?" I asked.

"Well." Fu Shenyan's face didn't change. "Go and add some clothes for Siji and Anxin. Children enjoy the process of shopping mall selection."

Think about it, feel reasonable, there is no entanglement, together went to the mall.

Anxin is the happiest. As soon as she enters the high-end clothing store, she drags Shen Yu to find the area where the princess skirt is. She wants to try every one of them.

Fu Shenyan quietly followed up and explained, "I doubt Shen Yu's aesthetics."

Obviously, he is jealous.

The rest of the people see through do not say through, smiling at the three of them to go in.

I'm a little unfamiliar with the selection of clothes. I suddenly break in. As soon as Fu Shenyan goes far away, I have no confidence. Can I choose suitable clothes for Siji according to the aesthetic level of six years ago?

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