In the spiritual world, there are always so many unimaginable existence.

The perpetrator played the role of a good man with high sounding.

"I'm talking about the fact. If you don't believe it, our original plan was to destroy your" defective product "and leave without any concern. If I hadn't been soft hearted, you would have disappeared with the car accident. Do you think you would have a chance to stand here and interrogate your father with a winner's attitude?"

Hearing these words, Fu Shenyan clenched his fists, and his tendons burst, shaking uncontrollably.

It turns out that in the hearts of Murong and Nanchuan, Fu Shenyan is not only an inferior product that is difficult to be elegant, but even should not survive at all.

In their eyes, kinship is just a quantified product on the assembly line. Under the perfect standard, any product that is not satisfactory will only be destroyed.

It's a living person. How can we easily say the words "should disappear".

Fu Shenyan didn't speak for a long time. I know him. The more he valued things, just like faith. The sadness at the moment of collapse can't be explained.

However, in the eyes of Murong Nanchuan, it has become a silent recognition.

He turned his eyes to me, his face relaxed as if we were the prey in the cage. "Your grandmother Shen Linfeng is very smart. She knows that you and Fu Shenyan are united with Mr. Fu and hope to resolve Fu Shenyan's hatred for the Mu family. Fu Shenyan has a share of credit today."

After a pause, he put his hand behind him and walked back and forth leisurely. "It's a pity that the lower class is always the lower class, and they don't know what they protect. It's also wrong. I can't say that. If I didn't have the oil agreement, my return to Murong would not be so smooth. From this point, I should thank her."

"You took the agreement long ago?"

If so, what is mu Shen's persistence for these years?

No, I see. Not long after that, a terrible idea came to my mind.

Murong Nanchuan smelled the words and said with satisfaction, "it's not stupid to think of this. How do you know the truth? Do you want to applaud my perfect plan?"


Take away the agreement for him, play with grandma and father Fu in the applause, let the two old people have a bad end?

Or is it deliberately designed for him to let Fu's family and Mu's family fight against each other, so that Fu Shenyan can't help himself in the shadow of hatred all his life?

Fu Shenyan is his close relative and can't evaluate these evils, but I'm not.

"So at the beginning, you saw through the conspiracy of the Mu family. Not only that, but you also took advantage of this opportunity to fight against the army, not only taking away the oil exploration agreement, but also using the matter of feigning death to escape successfully, leaving behind a mess and letting Fu Shenyan fight with the jackals of the Mu family. Am I right?" I took a deep breath and tried to look calm.

If I'm right, then even me has become a part of his plan.

Murong Nanchuan shrugged and acquiesced.

To get the answer, the first thing to break into the heart is a sense of relief, followed by the gurgling of shock and anger.

"You destroyed Fu Shenyan and Mu Shen. You know that you have Murong family background, that you take away the agreement, and that Mu family and others can do anything to you. But you just want Fu Shenyan to bear the Revenge of killing his father and mother, and let him live in nightmares and guilt all day. How can you bear it?"

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