Yu Guang glanced at Fu Shenyan. He didn't take it to heart. He stood in place waiting for me. Naturally, he stretched out a hand and motioned me to lead him.

Pursed his lips and smiled, raised his feet and walked towards him. Just handed his hand to him, Siji hezhian suddenly stood up and looked up at us seriously.

"Why, are you going too?" I asked tentatively.

"Well." Zhian nodded, "I'll be there wherever my sister is. I'll protect her."

The seriousness of his speech is really gentle to the heart.

"How can my family's Ann be so sensible ~" I couldn't help reaching out and patted her shoulder encouragingly.

Between brothers and sisters, the heart of not being separated depends on getting along when you were young. Zhian has this heart, and there is no reason to be disappointed.

Then he looked up, looked at each other and smiled, "needless to say, Zhian wants to protect Anxin. You want to protect your brother and sister, don't you?"

"Hey hey ~" Siji smiled and bent her eyes, as if there were stars shining in her eyes, friendly and familiar.

No way, we can't favor one over the other, so we have to take them all.

It's OK not to take it with you. There are three children in the area. There are only a few left. Although the child is not old, he is carved in a mold with Shen Yu. As soon as an Xin sees them all walking out, he goes after them with the plane model in his hand.

The children rushed. Of course, Shen Yu and sang Yun couldn't sit still.

In the end, when Fu Shenyan left, it became a small family night tour, bringing along his family and bringing up his family.


It's ten o'clock in the evening when we arrive at the orphanage.

The children in the hospital have basically fallen asleep. Only Chen Yi brought them back from abroad and waited in a classroom.

The word "human experiment" gives me the feeling that it is dangerous. I thought that the children participating in the experiment are beyond recognition. After getting off the bus, they are doing psychological construction. They can set a good example for the children in the face of danger.

However, entering the classroom, the scene was unexpected.

In the old classroom, more than a dozen half-aged children of different ages lined up in two rows. Although they were dressed in uniform white hospital clothes, they were really clean without any trauma. In addition to being afraid of seeing strangers, they didn't feel tortured and depressed.

I was relieved. It was a blessing in misfortune.

Fu Shenyan stepped onto the podium, took a condescending and simple glance, and then asked Chen Yi, "have you investigated the background?"

"Yes," Chen Yi replied respectfully, "the orphanages in country m have kept most of the data. Only these are from unknown sources, so they have been sent here temporarily."

Fu Shenyan didn't respond. His deep eyes narrowed slightly and fell into thoughts.

The quiet drop of a needle in such a large classroom can be heard, especially the heavy breathing of those children because of tension.

An Xin always had great courage. It was the first time she saw so many children. Taking advantage of Fu Shenyan's thinking, she suddenly drilled out from behind me and walked towards the children.

I subconsciously tried to stop it. Seeing her curious face, I didn't speak.

Fortunately, Zhian reacted quickly, immediately ran forward, took her sister's hand, accompanied her, and looked at the children one by one.

The front row is about the same age as Dian Dian, a little green and timid. An Xin glanced at it in a hurry, skipped it directly, and quickly pulled Zhi'an to the second row.

When passing the thinnest child, an Xin suddenly stopped, and Shui Ling's big eyes stared at the child.

After a while, he took out a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to the child, "here you are."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com

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