"You said, you said, Mrs. Fu, you are too polite." Listen to the phone, she should be in beauty.

I looked around and said, "Shenyan and I are going to change a house. I heard that your family lives in Jinlin villa. There are suites here. I don't know about the environment and greening inside. I want to ask you about it. It's not convenient for me to run around with my stomach. Shenyan can't be busy in the company."

"Just some questions for Mr. Li." Sitting on the sofa, I said, "I don't know Mr. Li. I don't know why Mr. Li would kidnap me for a meaningless bidding."

"Please don't use your surname Wang!" He was calm, motioned me to sit down and said, "what did Mrs. Fu want to know after all the way?"

Looking at him, I can't help but sink the face, "Sir, what's your name?"

I wasn't sure at first, but Lu Qi's attitude just now, coupled with his words, was certain.

Seeing me, he narrowed his eyes slightly. His eyes fell on me. "Mrs. Fu has a good memory!"

Villa area is not big, about 250 square meters, on the steps into the hall, the hall sitting that middle-aged man.

He hooked his lips and stretched out his hand

I grabbed my hand and looked up at him with a smile. "That's going to bother Mr. Lu!"

"If you come here, there's no reason why you don't come in. If Mrs. Fu doesn't come in, how do you know if my house is good, don't you?" Lu Qi half narrowed his eyes and said something.

I couldn't help clapping in my heart for a while. I laughed and said, "did Mrs. Lu tell you that? I just want to come and have a look. If I don't want to disturb you, I won't go in. "

I was stunned. I saw Lu Qi standing on the steps and looking down at me.

Don't want to be stopped by Lu Qi, "Mrs. Fu has come to see the house, so come in and have a look."

I wrote down the license plate number, took a look at the surrounding environment, and was ready to leave.

When I found the address of the villa that Mrs. Lu said, I saw the black Maserati standing outside the door. I'm not sure about the relationship between Lu Qi and the man.

The area of villas in the urban area is relatively limited, and the developers in the villas also built buildings, so there are quite a lot of people in Jinlin district.

Asked the doorman Lu Fu's address, I searched all the way.

I called the doorman, then hung up with Mrs. Lu and went into the villa.

"Yes! You call the doorman and I'll tell him

After a pause, I said, "I happened to be here today. Can you talk to the guard here? I want to go in and have a look. I want to take a walk and see what the environment is like. "

Lu Qi's wedding room? Lu Qi works in AC, is that man also a member of AC?

"Well, Jinlin is not as good as your Shanshui residence. I bought it there because I wanted to make a wedding room for our family Lu Qi. It's been decorated for a month. There are many problems and troubles in the middle. If the two children are not in a hurry to get married, I will return the house."

He narrowed his eyes slightly. His fat face was a little dangerous. He leaned back and his voice was a little unhappy. "Mrs. Fu, if you want to know the answer, you'd better turn off your mobile phone and have a good chat. You're a smart man. It's impolite to talk on the recording like this."

My hand in my pocket was stiff, and I was in a cold sweat. This man was too cautious.

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