During the lunch break, the crowd was in a hurry, hoping to have their favorite lunch and figuring out how to improve the efficiency of nap to cope with the heavier work life in the afternoon. Begging in the street was everywhere, and they didn't notice them at first.

Siyin knelt on the ground and didn't miss any chance to ask passers-by for help.

"Please, call an ambulance for us!"

"Give me some water, sir. I know you're a good man. I haven't had water for three days. I'm dying..."

"Miss! Miss, please be kind and help us. Please, I beg you..."

"I kowtow to you. Help, please help us..."

Finally, some good people stopped to wait and see, one, two, three, and gradually formed a circle.

Someone recognized Murong Nanchuan, "this is not Murong Nanchuan, a world-class psychology professor who has returned to China for development in recent years..."

"That's his wife. How did you get hurt like this? You shouldn't have done anything injurious and unreasonable. Have you been punished?"

"Do you want to call the police? They won't die here, will they?"

"You're crazy. Didn't you watch the TV show? People have been thrown into the commercial street. There must be someone nearby who dares to help. Unfortunately, it's me and you!"

"Besides, this kind of person is insatiable. I don't know how much time it will take if he is met. If he doesn't have time to go back and punch in, his work in the afternoon will be in vain!"

In this way, the onlookers who had just tried to help, immediately gave up their thoughts.

Murong Nanchuan never expected that these ordinary people who were as cheap as ants in his eyes could decide his life and death in a few words.

All the people in the square fell silent by chance. What they could hear was not only Si Yin's tearful cry, but also the promotion activities of the big radio, as if to compete with her, proving that saving more than a dozen dollars was more important than their lives. The horn sounded louder and louder, and Si Yin's hoarse cry for help was drowned little by little.

For nine to five migrant workers, time is money. It is a luxury to stop and watch the excitement. Gradually, passers-by leave one after another.

They walked so easily that they didn't even look back. If they recall today in the future, they may not even remember whether they met Siyin and Murong Nanchuan.

These people can not be narrowly defined as the melon eating people who look on coldly, but are exploited and exploited by those who stand at the top of the pyramid in Murong Nanchuan, so they have to put survival in the first place.

The exploitation of the lower class workers by the upper class has created a scene in which Murong Nanchuan was injured in the downtown and no one helped.

It's just a cycle of cause and effect. If you see the world's indifference, the world will repay you with indifference.

There are many good people with a flood of compassion in the world, but it's a pity that Siyin and Murong Nanchuan don't have such good luck.

After exposure to the sun for half an hour, Si Yin's voice became completely hoarse. The chapped lips opened and closed one by one, and he couldn't make any sound. Half of his body was shaky. The next second, he fell back heavily.

There were only a few passers-by on the square. When passing them, they deliberately accelerated their pace and trotted. I don't know whether they are really in a hurry or want to stay away from this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

At two o'clock sharp, only two bodies were left in the center of the square.

Seeing this, Fu Shenyan looked back with a cold face, and the window slowly rose, blocking the impact of the field of vision outside the car, as if it had completely blocked the flesh and blood relationship between Fu Shenyan and Murong's family.

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