I thought there was a auditory hallucination. I looked back and found that Zhian and mofelin had the same look of doubt as me.

For a moment, I began to doubt what he Yun and his wife said.

Did they really take the child away, or did they dare not face our sudden attack at home?

While we were thinking about the possibility of tacit understanding, the door seemed to hear our voice, and there was a sound again.

"Da Da Da..."

A slow and orderly knocking sound, like something knocking on the ground.

Following the principle of caution, Chen Yi immediately pasted it to the door to inquire about the situation inside. A moment later, he looked at us and said seriously, "someone!"

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Although Gu Nanxun is suspicious, he is an Xin's life-saving benefactor. At this time, he doesn't care so much. He just wants to make sure there's no good or bad, so he quickly ordered Chen Yi to take action, "kick the door!"

When I pulled Anxin back, and mofelin took Zhian to the side to make room, Chen Yi made a buffer and slammed into the door.

"Bang -"

There was an obvious vibration from the floor, but the door panel did not move.

Chen Yi seems to have been hit. After knocking on the door, he retreats to the farthest distance. After a short energy accumulation, he starts charging again.

"Bang -"

After the loud noise, Chen Yi and the door fell into the house and fell heavily on the smooth floor tiles.

In the end, it was the most powerful person around Fu Shenyan. Under such a big impact, he not only didn't shout, but climbed up two or three times. If nothing happened, he moved the door panel on the ground aside to facilitate us to enter.

As soon as I stepped in, the open kitchen on the left side of the room rang out again.

Chen Yi quickly followed the direction of the sound and walked around behind the cooking table.

The next second, he squatted down. When he got up again, he held Gu Nanxun in his arms.

Because he was naked, the child's thin body was clear at a glance, but what was more shocking at this time was not his sunken body, but the blood red torn wounds on his small body. It was only a week. His vitality was like being completely sucked, and he seemed to stop breathing at any time.

Weak so far, the little hands with all their muscles and bones are still tied by the white nylon rope. The red Le marks and the blood stained nylon rope are shocking.

The same was true of his legs, but the rope had already been broken by Gu Nanxun. All he could see was the Le mark trapped in the meat.

"Water..." he suddenly opened his mouth with chaotic consciousness, and his voice was not much louder than that of mosquitoes.

Chen Yi quickly placed the man on the sofa and untied the rope on his hand. Out of guilt, I took advantage of this opportunity to quickly pour a glass of water.

"Ah Xun, ah Xun, don't die sobbing..." An Xin, who recognized Gu Nanxun, walked to the sofa and began to cry. His face was wet with tears soon.

"An Xin is obedient, ah Xun will be fine, good, don't cry..." Chen Yi put the person down and went to contact the doctor. I dragged Gu Nanxun to lie in my arms and fed him water with the other hand. I really can't take a hand to calm her mood.

Mofelin next to her couldn't see it. She sighed helplessly, grabbed an Xin's shoulder, broke her small body, forced an Xin to face her four eyes, raised her index finger and taught her subordinates, "Oh, Xiao Anxin, I'll only say it once. You can hear it clearly. The louder you cry, the more painful your brother ah Xun will be. If you want him to die of pain, you can continue to cry. The louder you cry, the faster he dies. Cry!"

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