After the examination, Fu Shenyan asked the doctor about the situation. I was a little distracted when I sat in the corridor.

Don't know what the doctor and Fu Shenyan said, out of the hospital, Fu Shenyan face mood is not very good, he looked at me, eyebrows slightly frown, "Shen Shu, do you have something not to tell me?"

When I got out of the bedroom, I heard the cry and roar downstairs, so I couldn't help looking down.

He went downstairs to open the door and I went into the bathroom to wash.

It's already noon. I'm really hungry.

The door downstairs rang for a long time. Fu Shenyan got up and opened it. He pulled me up and said, "get up, eat something, and then go out for a walk."

Mrs. Zhang prepared a lot of things and said she would go back to her hometown.

But the next day, I didn't want to get up. Fu Shenyan had no choice but to stay at home with me.

At the weekend, I was supposed to go out for a walk.

More times, I think it's boring, so I don't yell.

Sometimes I can't control my mood. I yell at him from time to time, and he'll let me.

Fu Shenyan would walk with me for an hour almost every day. Sometimes when I was tired, he could only carry me back.

Because the mood will affect the children, the next few days I stay in the villa, do not go out, basically reading and walking.

After a day's tossing, I was a little sleepy and soon fell asleep.

He sighed and left.

Even if she goes to see me, if he wants to keep me from knowing, I don't know.

I took back my hand and stopped looking at him. I said in a voice, "you go!"

He chuckled, "in your opinion, is your husband so idle? So much time? "

I pulled the corner of his coat and pursed my mouth. "Are you going to see her?"

He held me back to my bedroom, and he kissed me on the forehead. "The company is still busy. I'll come back early in the evening."

He pulled me in his arms, gently patted my back, voice some helpless, "don't think, you are my wife, this life is."

I pursed my lips, looked at him, eyes a little uncomfortable, before those meticulous care, how to now nothing?

"Go home and have a good rest. Don't think about it. She and I didn't have anything before, and we won't have anything in the future." He hung up and looked at me softly.

He glanced at his cell phone and tightened his brow.

To the villa, his mobile phone has been thinking, I looked at him, did not get off.

There was silence all the way, and no one spoke.

Pull me into the car, he said, just started the car.

I low Mou, this matter touches Lu Xinran, not casually.

His originally handsome eyebrow twisted up, "Shen Shu, divorce is such a casual thing in your opinion?"

I nodded, some stubborn looking at him, "you and Lu Xinran meet once, say once, we will be separated for a week, if not, we will divorce!"

He stopped at the same place, eyebrows up is the radian of a smile, "overlord clause?"

Then I looked back at him, "is that ok?"

I walk toward the parking lot, light way, "I don't like you see Lu Xinran, look, say a word is not good."

"No nonsense!" He has some helplessness, and some worry, "what's in your heart, you must tell me!"

Fu Shenyan

I laughed. "What did the doctor tell you? "It's not yours?"

See is Lu Xinran, she wore a white dress, hair rolled into a ball, girl breath is very full.

I don't know what Fu Shenyan said to her. She cried a little, and the makeup on her face had already been spent.

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