I haven't had this feeling for a long time. It's nice to be alone with Fu Shenyan for a long time, stick to him and do nothing.

I think it's probably because the dull period between us passed safely.

"Not for the time being." Fu Shenyan answered faintly, took me to the gate of the city and walked towards the direction of the parking lot.

Soon, I found the black business car that Chen Yi had driven before, opened the door and helped me sit on it.

There was no one in the car. There was only a laptop. After Fu Shenyan sat down, he picked up the computer, put it on his lap and began to operate.

Soon, a group of photos appeared on the screen. Fu Shenyan opened and zoomed in one by one, while I saw my pupils dilated.

The person in the photo is no one else. It is the photo of "I" and different men going in and out of the high-level club, but obviously, the woman is not me.

The last one, I was able to see the incomplete picture I saw last time in the woman's purse.

The man who showed half his face finally untied the mysterious veil, but it was nothing to be surprised.

It's Murong Jin.

This man is best at recuperating and saving energy. Once he makes a move, he will destroy the whole Murong family. If he operates everything behind his back, then things will be reasonable.

"Don't worry if you know who's behind it?" Fu Shenyan asked. His eyebrows were relaxed and relaxed. He didn't seem to be forced by Murong Jin to feel pressure.

"A little bit." he took a deep breath and looked at the photos on the computer. "Why bother? Murong sincerely hates the Murong family and wants to be free. Now he has achieved his goal, but he still bites us."

Fu Shenyan laughed sarcastically, "crazy people can't speak any truth."

"But it's very responsive." when we set the goal, we had an outlet for our emotions. "We could have lived our lives in peace. Why should he appear like a fly to harass us from time to time?"

Even if I don't want to believe it, I have to admit that there are those people in life who can't see other people's happiness and stability, and always look for trouble unknowingly.

Is it really necessary to fight until one party completely disappears in the world?

After the excitement, he gradually calmed down and turned to discuss with Fu Shenyan, "do you want to take the initiative to ask Murong to meet him and see what he wants, money, power, reputation, status and apology. Just ask him not to haunt like a ghost."

Fu Shenyan stroked my back, then looked away at his front and said, "his goal is not anything."

The tone was very calm, but I felt the heavy atmosphere in my words and couldn't help frowning, "you mean he came for people and wanted to destroy us?"

Then he said to himself and denied his guess, "no, there is no need. There is no irreconcilable contradiction between us and Murong Jin. We don't owe him."

Only one light was turned on in the carriage, and the weak light hit Fu Shenyan's face. When he didn't speak, he couldn't even figure out his mood in the dim line of sight.

After a moment of silence, Fu Shenyan suddenly sat up straight, put the computer aside, picked up my hand, spread it out, and wrote and drew with his finger belly in the palm of his hand.

Stop and ask me, "do you know what I wrote?"

Just now, I was only trying to guess Fu Shenyan's mind. I didn't notice the changes in my hand. I only vaguely remembered that the first few strokes were three points of water, like the side of my surname, so I said tentatively, "Shen?"

Fu Shenyan pulled the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows narrowed slightly, "that's right."

Then he hung his head and continued to write another word.

This time I took a lot of care. Before he finished writing, I blurted out, "Fu Zi, your name."

Fu Shenyan raised his head after finishing the last stroke. His dark eyes were as deep as a black pool. "Wrong, Shen, both."

"Impossible." even if the feeling on my hand is wrong, I've been staring at it and won't be wrong. "The second is Fu!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com

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