Fu Shenyan's massage paused, "I can't help him."

After a moment of silence, he suddenly changed the topic and said, "for another question, if today we still have to face the crisis of life and death, my child and I can only choose one. Who do you choose?"

Thinking he had something to say, his spirit was tense for a moment. He took his hands down and turned around, looked at each other, and said solemnly, "there will be no day."

Fu Shenyan smiled, put his hands through his waist, wrapped me in his arms, and said with a smile, "suppose there is, the child and I, choose one?"

"Hmm..." knowing that he was joking, I relaxed a lot and shook my body while thinking, which made Fu Shenyan swing around on the sofa with me, "choose the children. They are still young and there are infinite possibilities in the future. Most of our lives have passed, and it doesn't matter if it's over now. If you have something, I'll leave with you!"

At last, his hands had been unconsciously hung around Fu Shenyan's neck, hung down like a pendant, blinked and asked for praise.

The answer should be regular. Although I chose a child, I still stayed with him in the end. There's nothing to eat vinegar.

Fu Shenyan was not surprised, "just like I thought."

When he said this, the smile on his face gradually faded and said solemnly, "it is because of this that Junyu must leave. With him, the four seasons will never put you first in his heart."

"Xiao Shu, it doesn't matter what rank I am in your heart, but whatever you value, you have to pay equal attention to you. In this way, even if I'm not around in the future, you won't be the second choice for children."

This man... What's the matter? The person who said has a sour nose.

For my consideration, if everyone should put me first, are you not afraid of being blamed by children and becoming villains?

"But in this way, the four seasons will reduce their love for you."

Like coaxing a child, he can pinch the water gently, "the people who gave birth to me and raised me hate me. One or two more are not important at all. I just want you to be happy."

"Why do you think so much about me..." the voice took on a crying cavity. It seemed that any movement could break my tears.

"I just don't think it's enough." Fu Shenyan breathed a long sigh of relief, wrapped his long arms around him and held them tighter. "It's because of me, Cheng Junyu, that he has six years to steal the four seasons from you. I'll find everything that belongs to you one by one."

The whole person lingered in his arms. I didn't dare to speak any more. Even my breathing was extremely restrained.

I don't know how long it took. I finally calmed down. I decided to make a compromise to avoid Fu Shenyan's heart knot with Siji.

Just about to discuss with Fu Shenyan, someone knocked at the door, "Dong Dong -"

"Come in."

As soon as the door opened, four seasons came in.

"Daddy, mummy, are you ready to sleep? Can I talk to you?"

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's mind. Needless to say, he must have come for Cheng Junyu.

In addition to her own life plan, Siji took the initiative for someone for the first time. As an old mother, I really don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Repairing the mother daughter relationship has a long way to go!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com

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