When the voice fell, a group of people crowded in and went straight to the wine store.

The police have no conclusive evidence to prove that Siji is directly related to the smuggling of famous wine, and detain people for up to 48 hours.

No matter how careful Quinn's plan is, I won't let Siji go back to the bottom of the case.

I didn't accompany Muzi all the way back then. Now I want to be the foundation of the four seasons.

Standing at the door of the wine store, he patted the back of Siji's hand. While restraining his emotions, he motioned her to take it easy. No matter what happens, I will face it with her.

"Open." the male policeman couldn't wait to stand in front.

The employee in charge of the key looked at me and Siji. After getting the approval, he took out the key and inserted it into the lock hole.

At the moment of turning the lock cylinder, there was a sudden "bang" sound of glass fragmentation in the wine warehouse.

Across a door, the sound is clear and the sense of fragmentation is very strong.

The police officers on the scene almost entered the combat readiness state at the same time, took out the matching gun at the waist, and aligned it with the heavy door. The next second, the male police officer pulled the employee who opened the door aside, made simple eye contact with his teammates, and kicked it up.

"Bang -" the door fell heavily on the wall, and the middle door opened wide.

The strong smell of wine came to our faces. What appeared in the eyes of everyone was the mixed alcohol of scarlet and gilded gold, which almost flowed out over the threshold. The covers of wine baskets in the corner were scattered everywhere, the glass was broken, and the light was shining in the water.

Fu Shenyan stood in the middle of the wine on the ground. Most of his trouser legs were wet. He didn't know where to throw his suit and coat. Only the thin white shirt and tie were left hanging askew around his neck, with a few drops of red wine stains next to him.

When he heard the police officers crowding at the door, he looked straight at it, revealed the only half bottle of whisky in his hand, and slowly looked up and took a big sip.

While the Adam's apple slid up and down, it hit the wine bottle on the wall. The male police officer's "stop" ran through the whole basement, but failed to make time static. The wine bottle "bang bang" broke and fell to the ground to collide with other broken wine bottles, leaving a large arrogant wine mark on the wall.

The male police officer's angry face was green, grinding his back teeth, his eyes sparked, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Fu Shenyan raised his hand and wiped the wine from the corners of his mouth, "what's the matter? Why bother so many police comrades to come in person?"

This damn sick girl is so sexy that people love and hate her.

I almost burst out laughing, so I had to use this strength to rush, "someone reported our illegal smuggling and specially applied for a search warrant to search."

"Oh," Fu Shenyan said faintly, "that's really unfortunate. There was a little accident and all the wine was spilled."

Speaking of this, he paused, looked up at the male police officer, carelessly spread his hand and pointed to the mess on the ground, "if you don't mind, help yourself."

When the wine is spilled, the wine bottle is broken and the corpse is destroyed. You have to "wet your body" to get in. You can't get any benefits. A fool just goes in.

The male policeman stared at Fu Shenyan in disbelief. Finally, he didn't say anything. He took the gun and took his men to the exit.

Without taking two steps, he suddenly stopped and said sarcastically, "Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu are worthy of being husband and wife. I'm afraid we can't find a second pair in the whole capital!"

In this tone, does he want to say that we are "in collusion"?

What good thing is it to judge that my family is evil by one side of empty words?

I pretended to be a fool and took all the orders, "with your kind words, we will grow old together!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com

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