Until eleven o'clock in the evening, I fell asleep on the sofa.

With Fu Shenyan in mind, he slept very lightly. In the hazy, he heard the sound of opening and closing the door in the corridor, followed by the sound of deliberately lowered footsteps.

He opened the door, came in, approached me gently, took off his coat and put it on me.

When he opened his eyes, Fu Shenyan half knelt beside the sofa and was ready to take me back to the inner room. When he saw that I woke up, he rubbed my head painfully. "It's not that you don't have to wait for me. Why don't you sleep first?"

When he called at dinner, he had to deal with a cross-border meeting and couldn't come back until after midnight.

I sat up straight on the armrest of the sofa. My mind was not very clear. "If you don't come back, you can't sleep well."

Fu Shenyan laughed at me like a child. "I don't work overtime. If something goes wrong, I can't keep you and your children safe all my life. At that time, I shouldn't be down-to-earth."

"You're fine, how can we be unsafe?" I said angrily. "We can't spend all our money in a lifetime. Don't work as hard as before. If you lose your body, you can't make up for how much money you spend."

Fu Shenyan smiled faintly, lowered his head, put on slippers for me and helped me to the bedroom. "I am healthy, safe and smooth. In the final analysis, it is also a resource. Money is a resource. The collapse of the building is not a thing overnight. If we want to keep the stability of our family, we can't relax for a moment. It's necessary to walk on thin ice."

I know the truth. The bigger the business, the more responsibilities on my shoulders. I'm not afraid of what happens. I'm afraid that outsiders will plan.

I didn't wait until this point to talk about business with Fu Shenyan. In addition, I didn't feel very sleepy after sleeping. I hope Fu Shenyan's Frank idea will be clearer in my mind.

Fu Shenyan helped me to the bedside, while he squatted and played with my hand. Suddenly, a sentence came out, "wife, if you suddenly found that I'm not so good, what would you do?"

This confused me. "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

After a pause, he said thoughtfully, "when we first got married, you weren't very good to me. I didn't live or die according to your love. Otherwise, how can there be today?"

My husband and wife probably like to talk about inexplicable topics.

Willing to talk, at this age, is the greatest expression of love. Our life is much more down-to-earth than those angry couples who look at each other and talk without speculation.

Fu Shenyan still lowered his head, smiled selfishly and asked the same question again and again, "I mean, if I am not as good as you think, or if I am a selfish person who only cares about myself and does not hesitate to sacrifice others, will you dislike me very much?"

Sure enough, the things hidden in my heart, whether men or women, will become mother-in-law.

It's all in the same room. I'm not embarrassed. I just put out my hand and directly picked up Fu Shenyan's face and forced him to face me. "Fu Shenyan, look at me and see clearly."

"I'm your wife. I love you. I'll always be by your side until death, forever, okay?"

There was a flash of light in Fu Shenyan's black eyes. He soon smiled with relief, and pursed his lower lip with some secretly happy, "understand."

All so patiently coaxed him to be happy and refused to tell the truth. When will it wait?

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com

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