Fu Shenyan thought he had covered up well, but he didn't know that sleeping hourly pay had long been exposed.

Today, many things have been settled. What is the devil that makes him so uneasy?

Seeing that he had put on his coat, I couldn't delay, so I got up quickly, cleaned up briefly and went down with him to meet the guests.

Walking to the stairs, I saw the officer mentioned by sister-in-law Zhang from a distance. The man was a tall and straight suit, full of heroism. His back alone could not hide the momentum of the pillars of the country.

There are two small soldiers at the door. They should be his guards. It seems that the officer is not small.

Fu Shenyan walked down the last step. Only then did he open his mouth to welcome the guests. "I've been waiting for a long time."

Officer Wen Yan stood up. When we approached, he held hands with Fu Shenyan politely, "Hello, Mr. Fu."

Then he nodded at me again, politely exchanged his eyes, and said hello.

The two sides sat down together. Fu Shenyan folded his legs and went straight to the theme. "I don't know if the chief came to the door so early. What can I do for you?"

The man did not procrastinate, put his hand into his coat pocket, took out a black wallet and handed it over, "this is my certificate, the brigade commander of the fourth special combat brigade of the eighth military region, mainly responsible for border drug enforcement and national defense."

Fu Shenyan took the certificate in his hand, opened it, gave me a simple glance in turn, and then handed it back. He was very calm, "brigade commander Zuo, I don't know what we can do with you?"

Zuo Mucheng's facial features are very delicate. He is a tough man in the traditional sense. He is a natural representative of soldiers and gives people an impression of being straightforward.

It's just that my eyes give me the feeling of deja vu. Maybe I've passed by in the sea of people.

Zuomucheng really didn't beat around the Bush and solemnly stated his intention. "According to the data in our hands, Lucas and Quinn often go in and out of Fu's house recently?"

Therefore, it's not unreasonable to say that people close to them are black. They have more contacts with people like them, and they are still targeted by the military after all.

Fu Shenyan lowered his eyes and thought for a while. He didn't deny it. "It's such a thing."

Zuo Mucheng looked dignified and nodded, and his thick eyebrows twisted slightly. "I don't know how much Mr. Fu knows about the identity of these two people?"

Zuo Mucheng spoke politely and did not confuse Fu Shenyan with Quinn.

He treats people sincerely. Fu Shenyan is not shy. To tell the truth, "you know what you should know. Brigade commander Zuo, you can be more direct."

"Well." Zuo Mucheng nodded and entered the main topic, "in that case, Mr. Fu probably knows what I want to ask. Please give me a positive answer, yes or no?"

Zuo Mucheng wants to ask if Fu Shenyan is involved in a group of people who burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil.

In my opinion, this question is not difficult to answer, but somehow Fu Shenyan was silent.

Everyone knows what it means to remain silent on such principled issues.

They looked at each other, their eyes turned into invisible profits, and met in the air. I seemed to see countless cold lights colliding.

Afraid that Zuo Mucheng really misunderstood, I quickly took over the topic and dispelled his concerns, "No."

Zuo Mucheng looked at me when he heard the speech. The goodwill on his face just now has been replaced by a sense of justice. It seems that he is ready to convict us at any time.

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